Oct 06, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

Academic Policies

Degree Information 

Registration & Grading

Transfer Student Information 

University Governance & Individual Rights

Academic Calendars


Student Handbook & Policy Guide

Academic Advising 


Degree Information

These policies are governed by the Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents and are subject to change.

For the latest Board policies, please see the Board of Regents Policy Manual by clicking here.

Undergraduate Degrees

The Board of Regents of Eastern Michigan University, on recommendation of the president and the faculty, confers the following undergraduate degrees:

  • Bachelor of Art Education
  • Bachelor of Arts  
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Business Education
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts
  • Bachelor of General Studies
  • Bachelor of Music
  • Bachelor of Music Education
  • Bachelor of Music Therapy
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Bachelor of Social Work
  • Post Baccalaureate Certificate
  • Undergraduate Certificates

Degree Requirements

Each undergraduate student will be responsible for the fulfillment of the requirements or their equivalents of the Eastern Michigan University catalog in force at the time of their initial registration at a college or university or a subsequent catalog including the one in effect at the time of their graduation.

In the event an undergraduate student does not complete the degree requirements within seven years of the date of their original registration at a college or university, the student may be required to have their credits re-evaluated by the academic department(s) of their major/minor in keeping with catalog requirements in force during the year of their graduation.

The following are minimum requirements for all bachelor’s degrees awarded by Eastern Michigan University. Some majors and minors require more than the minimum in one or more of the areas below; students are urged to consult the online catalog for the requirements of their particular programs.

  • Earn a minimum total of 124 credits at the 100-level and above. Courses with numbers below 100 will not be counted toward this degree requirement. At most 8 credit hours of physical education (PEGN) activity courses will be counted toward this requirement. A Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of one year of college credit in a world language.
  • Meet the requirements of the General Education program (see information below).
  • Complete a Writing Intensive (GEWI) Course in your major.
  • Earn a minimum of 60 credits from a four-year college or university; courses taken at community colleges cannot be used to meet this requirement. (Some formal program-to-program articulation agreements modify this requirement. See specific agreements for details.)
  • Earn a minimum of 30 credits from courses taken at EMU.
  • Complete 10 of the last 30 hours for the degree from courses taken at EMU.
  • Have a minimum of 30 unique credit hours in their major and 20 unique credit hours in their minor for a total of at least 50 unique credit hours between them. Some majors that require 50 or more hours themselves do not require a minor; students should check requirements of the selected major in the undergraduate catalog to see if a minor is required.
  • Earn no more than 60 credit hours in one subject area (prefix). Credits in excess of the 60 maximum will not be counted toward the minimum of 124 credits required for a bachelor’s degree.
  • Earn the minimum number of credits in 300-level and above courses in each major and minor as specified below - these credits must be earned in distinct courses; that is, no course can be used to fulfill this requirement in more than one major or minor.
    • Earn a minimum of 6 credits in 300-level or higher courses at EMU in each minor
    • Earn a minimum of 9 credits in 300-level or higher courses at EMU in each major that requires a minor.
    • Earn a minimum of 15 credits in 300-level or higher courses at EMU in each major that does not require a minor
  • Transfer credit will be awarded for courses taken at colleges and universities that are accredited by one of the recognized regional accrediting bodies only if the courses are college-level (equated to 100-level or above at EMU) and the student earned a “C” (or 2.0 on a 4 point scale) or better. Transfer credit may be awarded on a case-by-case basis for college-level courses in which a “C” (2.0) or better was earned at institutions outside the U.S. or at non-accredited U.S. institutions; the internal review of such courses is conducted by individual departments/schools within EMU, and additional documentation may be required. Please note: EMU awards only credits for transferred courses; grades are not used in the calculation of an EMU GPA.
  • Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in courses taken at EMU in order to graduate. In addition, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 must be reached in each major and minor. Only courses taken at EMU and those applied to a student’s major or minor, will be used in the calculation of their major and minor cumulative GPAs. (Note: some programs may require a higher GPA - check with your program advisor.)
General Education Requirements:

EMU’s General Education Program requires students to choose from a menu of approved courses in several different areas; do not assume that other courses in the same department or with similar names will fulfill these requirements. A detailed description of General Education requirements is available in the General Education  section of the catalog.

Students who transferred to EMU may have modified general education requirements based on Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) or articulation agreements; consult your academic advisor for additional information.

Registration & Grading

These policies are governed by the Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents and are subject to change.

For the latest Board policies, please see the Board of Regents Policy Manual by clicking here.

Academic Year

The academic year is divided into fall, winter, and summer semesters of 15 weeks each. Courses of shorter length may also be scheduled within these semesters.  A new student may be admitted to the University for any semester. The University calendar is linked on the left-side navigation of the catalog.

Academic Courses

Academic Course Load

Academic course load is the number of hours that a student carries in a semester. Students must register for a minimum of 12 credit hours to qualify as full time for University purposes, including financial aid.

Timely graduation will require a higher number of credits. Students should consult regularly with academic and career advisors to construct an appropriate academic plan.

The registration system will prevent registration for more than 19 credit hours in any given semester.  Request permission to add classes in excess of 19 credits at a Service EMU counter . First semester students and students on academic probation may not take more than the recommended full-time academic load without special permission from the University Registrar, 304 Pierce Hall, (734) 487-2382.

No person is allowed to attend class unless officially registered on a credit or audit basis.

Auditing Courses

Courses may be audited subject to the approval of the head of the department or director of the school offering the course. Audit applications may be obtained at, and returned to Service EMU. No credit hours or grade points are awarded for a class audit. However, registration and payment of all fees is required for the class. Tuition and fees for auditing are the same as for the course in which credit is elected. Check the University calendar for deadlines to declare or remove audits as exceptions are not granted to these students.

Under provisions of the University staff benefits program, full-time staff, faculty and faculty spouses may audit classes by completing an approval process initiated at the Benefit Programs Office, McKenny. These students do not register for class and there is no transcript of their attendance.

Credit Hours/Class Levels/Course Numbers

A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

(1) one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or

(2) at least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other activities as established by an institution, including laboratory work, internships, practicum, studio work, and other academic work leading toward to the award of credit hours.

Class levels are determined by the academic hours earned as follows:

Class Semester Hours
Freshman 0-24
Sophomore 25-55
Junior 56-84
Senior 85 or over
Administrative class levels that are not affected by academic hours earned:
Guest GS
Non degree ND
Second bachelor’s SB
Post-degree teaching certificate TC
Course numbers indicate the academic level of the course as follows:
Course Number Level of Difficulty*
100-199 Introductory
200-299 Intermediate
300-499 Advanced

Note: *Introductory courses are appropriate for students who have had no course work at the University level in the discipline in question. Intermediate courses presuppose that the students enrolled are familiar with and able to work with the content or methods, or both, of the discipline as presented in the introductory course. Advanced courses presume that students enrolled are familiar with and able to work with content, concepts and methodology of the discipline at a level appropriate to that of undergraduate majors in the discipline.

Courses numbered 500-599 are intended for graduate students but are open in a limited number of cases to seniors. To be eligible, an undergraduate student must have successfully completed 85 hours or more of undergraduate credit, have a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or better, and receive approval from the instructor and the Registrar’s Office before registration. Request forms are available at Service EMU. The maximum number of graduate hours that an advanced undergraduate can take is 15. Courses numbered in the 600s and 700s are exclusively for graduate students. Should an undergraduate student register in a 600 or higher class, they will be dropped without prior notice. With the exception of 150hr programs, all courses taken as an undergraduate appear on the undergraduate transcript and do not count towards subsequent graduate degrees.


Prerequisites designated in the catalog description of courses state requirements that must be completed with credit or are necessary to the understanding of the course selected. Any student not meeting prerequisites or other restrictions, unless waived by instructor’s permission, may be prevented from registering for or required to drop the course. Courses at the 200-, 300- and 400-levels that carry no prerequisites are taught at the academic levels described above.


Co-requisites designated in the catalog description of courses state requirements that must be completed at the same time as the course selected. Any student not meeting co-requisites or other restrictions, unless waived by instructor’s permission, may be prevented from registering for or required to drop the course.

Concurrent Prerequisites

Concurrent Prerequisites designated in the catalog description of courses state requirements that must be completed before or at the same time as the course selected. Any student not meeting concurrent prerequisites or other restrictions, unless waived by instructor’s permission, may be prevented from registering for or required to drop the course.

Final Examinations

The responsibility for the evaluation of a student’s achievement in a course rests with the instructor of the course. The Instructor, in line with departmental and University policy, shall determine whether or not the evaluation will be a final exam. If a final examination is not given, the scheduled examination period shall be used for other class activity.

If a final examination is given, students shall take the examination with their own class and at the hour indicated on the examination schedule. Failure to take the examination at the scheduled time will result in a grade of F in the course, except when the requisite conditions for granting an I are present.

If a student finds that he/she has three examinations scheduled on one day, he/she may request the instructor of the class having the first examination of the day to arrange to offer the examination at another time. If he/she finds that he/she has four examinations scheduled for one day, he/she may request the instructors of the first two examinations to make arrangements so that no more than two are scheduled in one day. He/she may appeal to the Department Head/School Director in which the course is offered if a satisfactory solution is not reached.

Students who cannot take a final examination at the assigned time because of religious observance are covered under the policy on religious holidays (See Board Policy 6.2.5.)

Any deviation from the student’s examination schedule, other than to limit the exams to two in one day or to observe religious mandates, must be approved in advance by both the instructor and the department head/school director, and will be granted only in cases of extreme emergency.


The grades used by the University, with their corresponding values in points, are as follows:

Grade Significance Grade points per credit hour
A   4.0
A H A with Honors Credit 4.0
A-   3.7
A-H A- with Honors Credit 3.7
B+   3.3
B+H B+ with Honors Credit 3.3
B   3.0
B H B with Honors Credit 3.0
B-   2.7
B-H B- with Honors Credit 2.7
C+   2.3
C   2.0
C-   1.7
D+   1.3
D   1.0
D-   0.7
F Unsatisfactory (denoting failure) 0.0
I Incomplete 0.0
CR Passing grade in credit/noncredit courses 0.0
NC No credit awarded in credit/noncredit courses 0.0
S Passing grade in pass/fail elections 0.0
SC Credit for certification in student teaching courses 0.0
PN Passing grade in student teaching but not sufficient for certification 0.0
U Failing grade in pass/fail 0.0
UN Failing grade in student teaching courses 0.0
W Withdrawal 0.0
2YR Academic Forgiveness; No Credit 0.0
AUD Grade in audit elections 0.0
N No grade submitted 0.0

Credits earned by student teaching, credit/noncredit classes or pass/fail options are not accorded grade point values.

Credit for courses in which the grades of “E”, “F”, or “U” grades have been received can be earned only by repeating the course at Eastern Michigan University. See repeat policy for exceptions.

A W grade is assigned only when an official withdrawal has been completed. (See Withdrawals below.) An F grade may be assigned for any course when the student stops attending a class without officially withdrawing from the course.

Credit/Noncredit Grading

A credit/noncredit option is utilized by departments in courses where the standard letter grades are not appropriate. Such courses will be designated as CR/NC in the class schedule book. All students taking such courses will receive either CR or NC in place of letter grades. Neither CR nor NC will have any effect on a student’s grade point average, but will impact completion rate. Courses for which the CR is received will count towards graduation requirements, and there is no limit to the number of such courses that may be taken by an individual student. The CR/NC courses taken by students do not count in the number of pass-fail courses that can be elected.


The pass/fail option is available to students who wish to experiment in an unfamiliar field without jeopardizing their grade point averages or for other reasons. Under these circumstances, the limiting features of the option are as follows: 

  1. Only juniors and seniors who are in good academic standing (at least 2.0 GPA and a completion rate equal to or grater than 67% at EMU) are eligible.
  2. It may be applied only to free electives, that is, to courses which are outside the student’s major, minor, curriculum, general education requirements.
  3. A maximum of six such courses may be applied toward graduation.
  4. Students shall indicate their intention to take a course by filing out an application with the University Advising and Career Development Center (UACDC), 200 McKenny, prior to the semester’s census date. Approval or denial is available in two working days.
  5. Students who elect to take a course on pass/fail may cancel the option and accept a letter grade up to the last day of class before the official University scheduled final examinations (the option for pass/fail may then be used for another course).
  6. The instructor will not be notified of the student’s election of this option. The regular letter grade reported by the instructor will be converted on grade reports and transcripts as follows:
    • Grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, or D-, will be converted to S, and shall count as credit toward graduation.
    • The grade of F will be converted to U, and shall not count toward graduation.
  7. A course taken under this option shall not be used in any way in the computation of the student’s grade point average. Thus, a pass/fail election shall not be approved for a course in which the student previously received a letter grade.

Students should be aware that for some scholarships offered by the University, pass/fail courses are not considered part of the minimum required load for scholarship. Students also should be fully aware of the possible implications of this option for acceptance into graduate schools and competition for financial aid. It has been ascertained that most graduate schools will accept students who have elected to take some courses on a pass/fail basis, but that if courses taken on this basis are sufficient in number on the transcript, Graduate School Examinations may be utilized to determine the student’s acceptability. Graduate schools, in general, do tend to favor those applicants who have good letter grades on their transcripts.


An “I” grade is awarded only when a student has completed the majority of the work of a course and the student’s work has been of acceptable quality (“C” or better), but the required amount has not been completed because of illness, necessary absence or other satisfactory reasons.  It is never applied to poor work or to non-attendance of class by the student. It is the responsibility of the student to request an incomplete from the instructor prior to submission of grades for the course, and to provide the reason and, if requested, supporting documentation for the request. If the instructor is satisfied that the reason and documentation provided are sufficient and that the conditions above are met, he/she should provide a description in writing of the work to be completed and the deadline for completion; copies should be provided to the student and to the department head. The deadline for completion can be no later than one year from the end of the semester in which the course was taught.

An “IP” (“In Progress”) is assigned to all students in a course or section that continues past the end of the semester. This grade does not apply to independent/directed studies courses or to individual students seeking an incomplete (I) grade. Once assigned, the “IP” has the same effect and is subject to the same rules and deadlines as the “I”.

An “I” grade must be removed within one calendar year from the end of the semester in which that grade was given.  The time for removal of an “I” may be extended upon written recommendation of the instructor, department head/school director and dean of the college.  Such extension will be granted only under unusual circumstances. The initiative for conversion of an “I’ to a letter grade rests with the student. However, the instructor may submit a change of grade without further notification if the student had not completed the required work by the deadline specified by the instructor.

Change from “I” or “IP” does not require department head or dean signatures if submitted within one year of the end of the course. After one year the student must provide an explanation of why the course work could not be completed within one year as required by university policy; the extension will be granted only if the instructor, department head/school director and dean of the college approve, all signatures are required to change an “I” or “IP” beyond one year.

Grade Changes

When a letter grade (excluding incomplete grade (I) or in-progress grade (IP)) is posted to a student’s permanent record, it will be considered final unless an error was made in assigning the grade. Permitting a student to submit missing work or extra credit to improve a grade after the grade has been posted is not acceptable.

It is the responsibility of the student to call the instructor’s attention to a possible grading error in a timely manner, but not more than 12 months after the questionable grade is posted. Three years following the close of any term of enrollment or at time of graduation whichever is first, the student’s transcript will be considered to be the final indisputable record of academic achievement. Specifically, at the end of three years, grades are considered final, and no changes will be made to transcripts (e.g., no term or individual withdrawals, no grade omissions, no recalculated grades based on mathematical or clerical error, no incomplete removals).

If an instructor error is identified, the instructor must file a grade change form, explaining the error. This form requires the approval of the department head/school director, and the appropriate dean will review and approve grade changes to ensure consistency with academic policies. All changes in letter grades (excluding “I” or “IP” that are converted within one year) will require the signature of the dean of the college. The grade change is then submitted to and processed by the Office of Records and Registration.

Please Note: For the latest information on how these and other policies effect your Financial Aid, click on this link to their website.

Grade Grievance

The Grade Grievance Procedure provides each student with the opportunity to appeal formally a final grade in a course because he or she believes that the grade has been awarded capriciously or unfairly. Capricious or unfair-grading may include, but is not limited to, the assignment of a course grade to a student:

  1. On some basis other than relevant performance in the course;
  2. By resorting to standards different from those which were applied to other students in that course;
  3. By an unreasonable and/or unannounced substantial departure from the instructor’s previously articulated standards.

If a student wishes to appeal a final grade, they must follow the steps outlined in the EMU Student Handbook and Policy Guide.

Repeating Courses

Students who meet the prerequisites and all other conditions for enrollment may repeat courses. All grades earned will be retained on the student’s permanent record, with repeats indicated. Credit and grade point calculations for repeated courses are determined by the following rules:

Credit Earned:
  1. Unless otherwise noted in the course description, credit for any repeated course (including all attempts at EMU and transfer credit granted) will apply only once toward all degree requirements.
  2. The rules below do not apply to courses (such as Independent Studies) that can be taken for credit more than once. Multiple attempts in such courses are not considered repeats, and all grades received will be used in determining the student’s grade point average.
  3. A student who earned a passing grade in a course or who has previously received transfer credit for the course will lose the credit if he or she subsequently retakes the course and receives an F. If a student receives an Incomplete in the final attempt of a repeated course, the most recent preceding grade is the grade of record until the course work is completed and the “I” is replaced by the earned letter grade.
Repeated Courses and Grade Point Average (GPA):
  1. Courses from which a student is dropped or withdrawn are not counted as attempts for purposes of this policy.
  2. If a student repeats a course up to two times (for a total of three attempts), only the last grade received will be used in determining the student’s grade point average. All course attempts with repeats indicated will remain on the permanent record, even if not used to determine the grade point average.
  3. There are no restrictions on the number of times that a student may take a course, however, the grades earned in the third and all subsequent attempts will be used in determining the student’s grade point average unless explicit permission to have previous grades for the course eliminated from the calculation is granted by the EMU Registrar. The student must contact the department head or school director prior to the end of the semester in which the course is repeated to request an exception be recommended to the Registrar. Such permission is required for every attempt beyond the third.
  4. There are no restrictions on the number of different courses that a student may take, however, if a student repeats more than ten different courses, grades for ALL attempts (from the first on) for the eleventh and all subsequent courses will be used in determining the student’s grade point average unless explicit permission to repeat the course is granted by the Academic Standards Committee in advance. The student must contact the University Advising and Career Development Center to request permission. Such permission is required for every attempt of every course beyond the tenth.
  5. A student repeating a course may not elect a Pass/Fail grading option if the grade of record for the course is a letter grade.
Transfer Courses as Repeats:
  1. If a student has credit for a course taken at EMU with a passing grade as the grade of record and subsequently transfers an equivalent course from another institution, the transfer credit will be treated as if it were another attempt at EMU. In this case, the rules above will be applied. The grades received in previous attempts at EMU will not be used in determining the student’s grade point average provided the total number of attempts, including the transfer, does not exceed three (3) and this repeat does not exceed the limit of ten (10) repeated courses. (Note that students receive credit, but not grades for transfer courses, so no grade for the course would be used in determining the student’s grade point average in this case.)
  2. If the grade of record is a passing grade, but the transfer course constitutes the fourth or later attempt, or if the student has already repeated ten or more courses, the grades received at EMU will be used in determining the student’s grade point average as outlined in the previous section unless explicit permission is granted by the Registrar to exclude the EMU grades once the transfer credit has been posted.
  3. Advance permission from the Registrar is required for students who want to transfer credit for a course equivalent to a course that the student has taken at EMU and for which the grade of record is a failing grade.

Note: Second admission programs and graduate programs may calculate grade point averages according to their own internal rules; for example, many specify that grades received in all attempts be used in the calculation. This policy does not apply to those admissions processes.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average is determined by taking the total number of grade points acquired divided by the total number of credit hours taken that carry grade point values. Only courses taken at Eastern Michigan University are used to determine a student’s Grade Point Average. When a course is repeated, only the last grade is used in the computation of the cumulative grade point average.

Transfer credit from another accredited institution is allowed for all transferable courses in which a grade of C or better is received, but is not included in computation of the GPA.

Calculation of GPA for returning former students who have not attempted any college or University work for at least two calendar years does not include courses in which a grade of less than D- was assigned. F grades will be changed to 2YR to reflect academic forgiveness upon the start of the re-enrolled semester.

Academic Probation and Dismissal

Please see the Eastern Michigan University Board of Regent’s Manual, Undergraduate Academic Standing for policies regarding Academic Probation and Dismissal.

Individual Drops/Withdrawals from Classes

When a drop/withdrawal from a class, or from all classes, brings students’ academic load below the minimum number of hours necessary to qualify as full-time students for University housing, scholarship aid, student loans or any other benefits they enjoy for which academic enrollment was a prerequisite, the University may, at its option, take any or all of the following steps:

  1. Deny permission to withdraw.
  2. Cancel the benefits as of that date.
  3. Declare the student ineligible for present and/or future benefits of a similar nature.
  4. Deny permission to re-enroll in subsequent semesters.

Drops/withdrawals from class are permitted according to published university schedule found at emich.edu/registrar. If students have a hold on their account preventing access to drop or withdraw, contact should be made with Service EMU for assistance.

Late Withdrawal
  • After the published deadline for withdrawals has passed students can withdraw only if they have specific extenuating circumstances, of recent occurrence, which clearly prevent them from completing the course in question. Withdrawals are not automatic and documentation is required. Make application for Late Withdrawal at a Service EMU location. The decision will be communicated to the student. Students must not stop attending class until they have received notification that the administrative withdrawal has been approved. If a student stops attending class and does not take the final exam without being withdrawn, University policy requires that the instructor assign a grade of F for the course.

Total Withdrawals from the University

The following University procedure is subject to change in accordance with regulatory changes initiated by the United States Department of Education.

Actual dates are posted on the Records and Registration Website for each semester. No credit adjustments will be made after the above stipulated dates.

Late Withdrawal

Late withdrawal from the University may be requested by a student when unexpected circumstances arise after the deadline for withdrawal. Normally, only one request will be considered in a student’s educational career. 

The late withdrawal policy is dependent on one or both of the following reasons:

  1. Administrative. Through an administrative problem or error, the student received an F grade.
  2. Mental or physical stress. Subsequent to awarding the semester grades, the student claims that severe physical or psychological stress was present during the semester. Documentation must be presented by or on behalf of the student. In this case, the decision will affect all the classes the student was registered for during the term in question. In cases of severe mental or physical stress, it is usually assumed that students are so incapacitated they were not able to carry on with University responsibilities.

In either situation, the student must initiate the request at a Service EMU Location.  Upon review of the submitted documented evidence, the Late Withdrawal and Tuition Appeal Committee will make a final determination.

Alternative Methods for Earning University Credit

Eastern Michigan University offers students the opportunity to earn academic credit by examination and/or by portfolio. In some instances, students may enroll immediately in advanced courses through alternative programs. Especially high test scores may warrant additional academic credit and/or higher placement.

These programs include:

Advanced Placement (AP) Students who have taken Advanced Placement high school courses, and earn at least a three on the corresponding Advanced Placement tests, will be granted at least two hours of credit in each subject area in which they have earned that score.

Click here for a list of available Advanced Placement (AP) credit  

International Baccalaureate (IB) Students who submit their IB scores to Eastern Michigan University will receive at least two hours of academic credit for a score of four or higher on the higher-level IB exam. The International Baccalaureate Diploma does not equate automatically with sophomore standing, nor does it automatically waive general education requirements.

Click here for a list of available International Baccalaureate (IB) credit 

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Students may receive academic credit for certain EMU courses by achieving a minimum score on a test available through the College Level Examination Program.

Click here for a list of available College Level Examination Program (CLEP) credit  

Academic credit earned by means of AP, IB or CLEP test scores may not be duplicated for separate tests. Also, AP, IB or CLEP credit will not be awarded when EMU credit has already been earned or transfer credit awarded for courses covering the same subject matter.

Credit by Examination. Students may also receive academic credit for certain courses where CLEP tests are not available by achieving a minimum score on a departmentally administered examination.

Credit by Examination is subject to the following limitations:

  • Students must have been admitted to Eastern Michigan University.
  • Credit normally will not be awarded for any course for which a student has credit or in which the student is currently enrolled.
  • Credit by Examination is not available for workshops, special topics courses, seminars and directed studies, or any other course excluded by an academic department.

The following procedures must be followed to earn Credit by Examination:

  • The student must obtain an Application for Credit by Examination/Validation from Service EMU.
  • The student should submit the application to the head of the department/school in which the course is offered. The department head will evaluate the request and determine whether to grant or deny permission for Credit by Examination/Validation, or to hold the request for further investigation.
  • Once permission has been granted, the student will make arrangements with the department for a time and place for the examination or equivalent activity, and a supervising faculty evaluator.
  • Prior to the agreed-upon time, the student will validate the permission form by paying the fee to the EMU Cashier’s Office. The fee will be equivalent to one credit hour of in-state tuition for each undergraduate examination attempted.
  • The student will present the validated permission form to the faculty evaluator prior to the examination or equivalent activity.
  • After the faculty member evaluates the student’s performance and indicates P/F on the permission form, a copy of the written examination or explanation of the activity as well as the instructor’s total evaluation will be placed on file in the office of the department head. The department head will sign the permission form indicating receipt of the faculty member’s evaluation.
  • The department head/school director will forward the permission form to the Office of Records and Registration for posting to the student’s record.

Portfolio-assisted Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). Portfolio-assisted Prior Learning Assessment is available through participating academic departments when CLEP and Credit by Examination are not appropriate for assessing a student’s previous learning. Credit may be awarded for general education or for courses in majors, minors or concentrations. Departments or schools may choose to participate on a case-by-case basis or may designate selected courses available via PLA. Additional information is available through Extended Programs at (734) 487-0407 or (800) 777-3521 or extended.programs@emich.edu.


Transfer Student Information

Community College Relations

Pat Cygnar, Director

103B Boone Hall
(734) 487-6577

The Office of Community College Relations works collaboratively with the faculty and staff of EMU and community colleges to promote a seamless transfer process for community college students. Our goal is to maximize the application of academic credits already earned and time already spent toward obtaining a bachelor’s degree. Many EMU academic programs have signed articulation agreements with community colleges that ensure the transfer of credit from an associate degree program to a bachelor’s degree program. Through an articulation agreement, students may receive credit for courses or blocks of courses that do not usually transfer. The agreement also provides a curriculum guide that makes it easier to select courses that satisfy the program and institutional requirements at both schools. Community college students should check with their counselor or program advisor about the availability of articulation agreements, or visit the Community College Relations Website for a complete list of articulation agreements.

Community College Relations activities include:

  • Facilitating the development of program articulation agreements;
  • Facilitating collaborative arrangements with community colleges (such as faculty meetings and professional workshops, joint promotion of articulated programs and joint sponsorship of student activities);
  • Maintaining and updating articulation agreements;
  • Maintaining a web site with articulation guides and transfer information;
  • Providing support to community college faculty and staff regarding transfer student issues including articulation and transfer equivalency;
  • Working with EMU offices and departments to facilitate course credit equivalency;
  • Providing articulation information to the EMU Advising Centers;
  • Collaborating with other offices and departments to sponsor Community College transfers events and activities;
  • Advocating for students with transfer issues;
  • Participating in statewide transfer initiatives.
The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)

Eastern Michigan University is a participant in the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), which replaces the MACRAO agreement effective September 1, 2014. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that students who complete a specified distribution of general education courses at a Michigan community college will have satisfied all or most of the general education requirements at Michigan four-year colleges.

Students with an MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and a Writing Intensive course in the major. Students who started before Fall 2014 may continue to follow the MACRAO Agreement until the end of summer 2019. EMU will accept the MACRAO Agreement beyond this date, if already on a student’s transcript. Students should consult an EMU advisor to find out how MACRAO applies to the general education requirements.

Students are responsible for satisfying all major, minor, and program requirements and should consult an advisor or a transfer guide to determine if specific courses will double count for both a Michigan Transfer Agreement and a program requirement.

Articulation Agreements

Eastern Michigan University has articulation agreements with 21 community colleges in Michigan and three other states. Articulation agreements allow students to complete an associate degree and transfer into a related bachelor’s degree program with minimum duplication of coursework and loss of credit. They provide a list the courses that will transfer to Eastern Michigan University and show how they fulfill requirements toward completion of the bachelor’s degree program.

To see a complete list of colleges with program articulation agreements with EMU, go to the Community College Relations Website.

University Governance & Individual Rights

Board of Regents

Eastern Michigan University is an autonomous University governed by an eight-member board of regents appointed by the governor of Michigan and subject to the approval of the Michigan Senate. Financial support for the University comes from student tuition and fees, and support provided by the citizens of Michigan. Website

Policies on Nondiscrimination

Eastern Michigan University shall not discriminate against any person because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation. Further, the University shall work for the elimination of improper discrimination in the areas listed above in organizations recognized by the University and from non-University sources where students and employees of the University are involved.

Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policies

Eastern Michigan University admits students of either sex, and any race, color or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities accorded to students at this University. The University does not discriminate against students on the basis of sex, race, color or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarships and loan programs and athletic and other University-administered programs. Further, it is the policy and practice of Eastern Michigan University to take affirmative action in all personnel matters.

Gender Equality

It is the policy of Eastern Michigan University to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its regulations, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. Anyone who believes that in some respect Eastern Michigan University is not in compliance with Title IX and its regulations should contact the executive director of Human Resources.

Nondiscrimination of the Disabled and/or Challenged

In its programs, activities and employment, Eastern Michigan University does not discriminate on the basis of physical or other disabilities. Anyone who believes that in some respect Eastern Michigan University is not in compliance with the Rehabilitation Act and its regulations should contact the executive director of Human Resources. Prospective students with disabilities who are otherwise qualified for admission are invited to apply. Students encountering difficulty with access to full participation in University activities should contact the ombudsman. Website

Statement on Campus Violence

In accordance with the education mission of Eastern Michigan University, the University adopts this policy statement to promote a safe campus environment. The statement reflects the nonviolent spirit of the relationship between students, staff, administrators, faculty, contractors and visitors at Eastern Michigan University.

The safety and security of our students, staff, administrators, faculty, contractors and visitors is extremely important to Eastern Michigan University. Threats, acts of aggression and threatening or violent behavior are not tolerated by or toward students, staff administrators, faculty, contractors or visitors. All reports of incidents will be taken seriously and will be dealt with appropriately.

Threats can be direct and immediate or indirect and implied; threats can occur verbally, non-verbally or in writing. Acts of aggression include, but are not limited to, abusive behavior, stalking and tampering with property and are intended to intimidate, create fear, imply harm or destroy property. Threatening or violent behavior is behaving in such a way that poses an immediate threat to self or others by acts of physical harm.

All students, staff, administrators, faculty, contractors and visitors are strongly encouraged to report threats, acts of aggression and threatening or violent behavior to the Campus Police (911 for all emergencies, 487.1222 for all other calls), Human Resources (487.0083), and/or your department head or supervisor, to help ensure the safety of our campus community.