Sep 23, 2024  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

Graduate Courses

  • ECON 536 - Advanced Health Economics

    Provides an analytical approach to the study of health and healthcare markets. Emphasis will be on the application of economic analysis to understand the institutional features and organization of healthcare markets, the impact of government policy on the delivery and financing of healthcare, and the ability to critically evaluate and summarize empirical research findings related to health economics.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 415 , ECON 501 , and ECON 502 

    Last Updated:
    Course Description and Prerequisite Change 06/2011, effective Fall 2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 537 - Microeconometrics in Healthcare

    Provides discussion and applications of econometric methods most commonly used in analyzing healthcare data and other microeconomic data. Topics include ANOVA, single and multi-variable linear regression, binary outcome models (logit, probit, tobit), panel data models (fixed effects and random effects), repeated measures models, count data models, two-part models, and survival analysis.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s):   or equivalent, and  

    Previously listed as ECON 537
    Last Updated:
    Title/Description/Prerequisite Change 06/2011, effective Fall 2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 540 - Monetary Economics

    The development of monetary and central banking theory; policy applications and limitations in the context of the relationships among money, prices, national income and the balance of payments.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 411  or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Links 06/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 545 - Econometric Forecasting and Policy Analysis

    Economic theory and econometrics are utilized to formulate multi-equation, economic forecasting models. Models are then applied to conduct dynamic simulations for policy analysis and to forecast macro- and microeconomic activity. International effects are included in the analysis. Models will include reduced-form, structural, and VAR approaches.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s):  , ECON 412 , and   or  

    Previously listed as ECON 545
    Last Updated:
    Links 06/2011; Title and Prerequisite Change 06/2011, effective Fall 2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 550 - Public Finance: Analysis and Policy

    Detailed theoretical analysis of the problems of budgeting and budget techniques; methods to evaluate expenditures, efficiency and equality considerations in tax policy; problems of stabilization policy and growth policy; and evaluation of the affect and importance of national debt.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): (ECON 411  and ECON 412 ) or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Links 06/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 555 - Cost-Benefit Analysis Theory and Practice

    This course studies techniques for evaluating the costs and benefits of government programs including the distribution of these costs and benefits. Programs evaluated include large physical investments, education programs, health programs, and government regulations.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Previously listed as ECON 562
    Last Updated:
    Spelling Error 7/2014, 1/21/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 560 - Economics of Industrial Organization

    The enterprise sector of a capitalist economy; incidence of competition and monopolistic techniques in various industries and markets; market structure, conduct and performance; mergers and concentration and public policies.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Typically offered irregularly (no planned offerings)

    Prerequisite(s): (ECON 411  and ECON 412 ) or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Links 06/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 561 - Economics of Multinational Enterprise

    Economics of international competition and monopoly. Analysis includes studies of direct foreign investment, national economic antitrust policies and the multinational firm and its relation to trade and economic efficiency.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): (ECON 411  and ECON 412 ) or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Links 06/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 580 - International Trade and Theory

    This course analyzes the classical and modern theories of the determination of the pattern of commodity trade between nations fundamental trade theories, as well as the impact of tariffs on trade. Topics include the Ricardian and Heckscher-Ohlin trade theories, as well as the interaction of international trade with migration.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): (ECON 411  and ECON 412 ) or equivalent

    Concurrent Prerequisite(s):   or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Links 05/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 581 - The International Monetary System

    Theoretical and empirical examination of international monetary issues including the balance of payments, fixed versus flexible exchange rates, stabilization policies in an open economy, disturbance transmission mechanisms and interdependence, institutions.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): (ECON 411  and ECON 412 ) or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Links 06/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 585 - Economic Growth and Development

    Conditions, courses and consequences of growth and development; instruments of expansion and control, and important theories and models of growth. Economic growth in both the United States and underdeveloped countries.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): (ECON 411  and ECON 412 ) or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Links 06/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 586 - Economic Planning

    This course examines economic planning techniques, including macroeconomic growth models, input-output analysis and linear programming. It investigates the implementation of economic planning in developed economies, with specific reference to indicative planning and industrial policy in France and Japan.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Typically offered irregularly (no planned offerings)

    Prerequisite(s): (ECON 411  and ECON 412 ) or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Links 06/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 587 - Case Studies in Economic Development

    Survey of economic development in selected countries or regions with emphasis on development policies, theoretical applications and economic structures of countries or regions surveyed.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Typically offered irregularly (no planned offerings)

    Prerequisite(s): (ECON 411  and ECON 412 ) or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Links 06/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 597 - Independent Study

    An intensive study of a problem or group of problems under the direction of a member of the economics faculty.

    Credit Hours: 1 hr
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Department Permission is required

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 598 - Independent Study

    An intensive study of a problem or group of problems under the direction of a member of the economics faculty.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Department Permission is required

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 599 - Independent Study

    An intensive study of a problem or group of problems under the direction of a member of the economics faculty.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Department Permission is required

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 601 - Macroeconomic Analysis

    Study of theoretical and empirical examination of macroeconomic theories of the determination of income, employment, the price level, interest rates and economic growth in a domestic and world economy. The course may include the Classical, Keynesian, Monetary, Rational Expectations and Real Business Cycle schools of thought.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): (ECON 411  and ECON 412 ) or equivalent.

    Corequisite(s):   and   

    Last Updated:
    Links 05/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 602 - Microeconomic Analysis

    Course topics include the economic analysis of the behavior of individuals and firms, resource allocation, and determination of price and output in competitive and imperfectly competitive markets. Course also provides an introduction to game theory and decision-making under uncertainty; discussion of how to apply multivariate calculus, matrix algebra, statistics and regression analysis to microeconomic concepts.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): (ECON 412 ,  , and  ) or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Prerequisite 07/2011; Links 05/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 604 - Research Seminar in Economics

    Examines selected issues of research methodology, procedures and techniques. Students conduct individual research projects, present their findings in a seminar format and submit a research paper.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s):   or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Links 05/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 605 - Managerial Economics

    Managerial Economics provides analytical tools and methods of economic theory used in business management. Course focuses on the areas of decision-making under risk and uncertainty, expected utility, game theory, demand, production and cost estimation, alternative pricing policies, and investment analysis.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): ( , ECON 411 , and ECON 412 ) or equivalent

    Last Updated:
    Change to prereq. 7/2011; Links 5/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 679 - Special Topics

    An experimental course for contemporary topics not provided in other departmental offerings. The content will change from semester to semester. Not more than three hours of special topics may be used on a degree program.

    Credit Hours: 1 hr
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 680 - Special Topics

    An experimental course for contemporary topics not provided in other departmental offerings. The content will change from semester to semester. Not more than three hours of special topics may be used on a degree program.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 681 - Special Topics

    An experimental course for contemporary topics not provided in other departmental offerings. The content will change from semester to semester. Not more than three hours of special topics may be used on a degree program.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 686 - Cooperative Education

    Four to six months of part- or full-time employment in a position in business, finance, government or labor that uses economic analysis. (See the Career Services Center for the availability of such positions.) The student and a faculty sponsor from the Department of Economics agree on a co-op activity, subject to the approval of the director of graduate programs in economics. A written report at the end of the employment period documents the use of economic analysis in the co-op position.

    Credit Hours: 1 hr
    Grade Mode: Credit/No-Credit

    Department Permission is required

    Notes -
    The credit does not apply to the economics major. Maximum number of co-op experiences is two.

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 687 - Cooperative Education

    Four to six months of part- or full-time employment in a position in business, finance, government or labor that uses economic analysis. (See the Career Services Center for the availability of such positions.) The student and a faculty sponsor from the Department of Economics agree on a co-op activity, subject to the approval of the director of graduate programs in economics. A written report at the end of the employment period documents the use of economic analysis in the co-op position.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs
    Grade Mode: Credit/No-Credit

    Department Permission is required

    Notes -
    The credit does not apply to the economics major. Maximum number of co-op experiences is two.

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 688 - Cooperative Education

    Four to six months of part- or full-time employment in a position in business, finance, government or labor that uses economic analysis. (See the Career Services Center for the availability of such positions.) The student and a faculty sponsor from the Department of Economics agree on a co-op activity, subject to the approval of the director of graduate programs in economics. A written report at the end of the employment period documents the use of economic analysis in the co-op position.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Credit/No-Credit

    Department Permission is required

    Notes -
    The credit does not apply to the economics major. Maximum number of co-op experiences is two.

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 697 - Independent Study

    An intensive study of a problem or group of problems under the direction of a member of the economics faculty.

    Credit Hours: 1 hr
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Department Permission is required

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 698 - Independent Study

    An intensive study of a problem or group of problems under the direction of a member of the economics faculty.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Department Permission is required

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • ECON 699 - Independent Study

    An intensive study of a problem or group of problems under the direction of a member of the economics faculty.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Department Permission is required

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 500 - Professional Educator Development Program

    For in-service professional and personal development.

    Credit Hours: 1-3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Credit/No-Credit

    Notes -
    Credits not applicable to an advanced-degree program.

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 509 - Educational Leadership in a Pluralistic Society

    Analysis of the educational administration issues presented in culturally pluralistic educational environments. Examination of sociopolitical context of schools, impact of dominant and subordinate groups and leadership challenges involved in striving for school success for all.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 513 - Community Education and Community Relations

    An exploration of the basic principles and philosophy of community education, its current status and relationship to education and interpretation of the educational institution to a diverse community. Emphasis on promoting public confidence in schools via two-way communication and community involvement in schools.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 514 - Organization and Administration of K-12 Schools

    Overview of the theories of leadership and organization that shaped the system of American education. Students critically compare the ideas, concepts, issues, broad knowledge and theories about managing, motivating staff, wielding power, leading people, handling conflict, making decisions, working within a bureaucracy and organizing educational institutions to improve learning.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 515 - Instructional Leadership

    Development of the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for administrators as they supervise effective, positive instructional programs; principles and procedures for addressing issues related to professional growth and continuous improvement.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 517 - Leadership for School Improvement

    An exploration of knowledge and skills to nurture and sustain school improvement processes. Building capacity and support among staff for initiatives, revising and refining school practice, monitoring progress toward established goals and making decisions regarding effectiveness.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 518 - Multimedia Technology for School Administrators

    An overview of multimedia applications for school administrators. Strategies for leadership, planning, decision making, integration and evaluation of multimedia in schools will be emphasized. Sessions will include lecture and hands-on practice.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 550 - Introduction to Student Affairs in Higher Education

    This course is designed to provide an introduction to the field of student affairs in higher education. The course provides several introductory elements: an historical overview of student affairs, professional ethics, theoretical approaches to student learning and an introduction to the various functions and activities associated with student affairs. The course is designed to examine student affairs in public and private institutions as well as community colleges.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 551 - Contemporary College Students

    This course focuses on an examination of the changing undergraduate lifestyle, attitudes, characteristics and demographics of today’s college students. In the course the students will examine the effects of higher education, the student as learner and student development theory. Attention is given to both traditional and nontraditional college populations in two- and four-year institutions.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s):   or permission of instructor

    Previously listed as COUN 551
    Last Updated:
    Prerequisite Change 2008

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 552 - Introduction to Academic Advising

    The purpose of the course is to introduce educational leaders to the core components of academic advising. The core components are: foundation, theory, ethics, student diversity, and models for success. This course will be an essential foundation for academic advisors, counselors, and administrators.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Major Restriction(s): Graduate Certificate in Academic Advising (AA) 

    Last Updated:
    Prerequisites Removed 6/2013, effective Winter 2014; Prerequisites and Major Restriction 07/2011; 03/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 553 - Career Advising

    This course prepares graduate students to understand the intricacies of career advising while working with college students in academic departments, and career or counseling centers. The course will assist future academic advisors with the ability to understand career advising and how to integrate careers with advising to improve student success.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs May not be repeated for credit
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Department Permission is required


    Class Restriction(s): Certificate, Masters, Specialist and Doctoral

    Last Updated:
    New Course 11/2015, effective Fall 2016

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    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 590 - Special Topics

    Experimental course(s) designed to investigate specific topics of concern in the specialization areas of study in educational leadership. Not more than six hours of special topics may be used on a degree program.

    Credit Hours: 1 hr
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 591 - Special Topics

    Experimental course(s) designed to investigate specific topics of concern in the specialization areas of study in educational leadership. Not more than six hours of special topics may be used on a degree program.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 592 - Special Topics

    Experimental course(s) designed to investigate specific topics of concern in the specialization areas of study in educational leadership. Not more than six hours of special topics may be used on a degree program.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 609 - Team Building and Consensus Decision-Making of Educational Leadership

    This course is designed as a skill-building class to help educational leaders increase their effectiveness in working with faculty, staff, school board members and/or community groups in collaborative decision-making.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 611 - Introduction to Adult and Continuing Education

    A general overview of the topic of adult and continuing education to students for introductory purposes and as a basis for further concentration and study in selected advanced areas of adult education. This course should be a prerequisite for advanced study and includes philosophy; history; identification of adult objectives; knowledge of adult learners; and contemporary status, trends and issues in adult and continuing education.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 612 - Economics of Public Education

    An examination of the basic economic, fiscal and legal theories of support for education, tax structures, state aid formulas, federal aid and school budgets.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 613 - Introduction to Higher Education

    An introduction to the study of higher education, including two- and four-year colleges and universities. The course is designed for persons interested in developing an understanding of the background, growth, purposes and practices of higher education in the United States.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 615 - Collective Negotiations in Education

    An analysis of issues that may be encountered by school administrators and teachers in collective negotiations in education.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 616 - Educational Facilities Planning

    Problems and procedures revealed through a plant-planning chronology that includes hiring the architect, the attorney’s role, site acquisition, involving citizens, utilizing staff, the bond issue and designing and constructing the building. Emphasis will be placed on renovating, closing and alternative uses for existing buildings.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 617 - Administering Human Resources in Education

    Development of an understanding of the issues, problems and practices involved in the administration of personnel programs in education. An in-depth exploration of the basic principles of staff administration and high-level morale. For prospective and practicing administrators.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): six hours in educational leadership

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 620 - The Principalship

    The examination of the role of a school principal in: a) improving curriculum and instruction; b) the establishment of effective operations in a school; and c) establishing avenues for change by an awareness of innovations, materials, technologies and research that are relevant for the elementary, middle and high schools.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): six hours in educational leadership

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 622 - Organization and Administration of Higher Education

    An understanding of the structure and governance of higher education — two-year and four-year colleges as well as universities — including legal bases, external and internal constraints, functional patterns, administrative staff roles and responsibility, faculty organization and authority, and student participation in organizational structure.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 629 - Leadership Perspective in Comparative International Education

    This course is designed to introduce learners to international, comparative, and global education. Critical issues face by educators, policymakers, and citizens in different countries will be examined. Students will attempt to apply theoretical concepts to their practical work. They will develop their global view and awareness about the internationalization of education around the world through in-depth analysis of educational trends in different countries. This class will help student to access available resources and increase possibilities for professional growth through comparative international education conferences, exchanges, publications, and other types of activities.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Last Updated:
    New Course 11/2012, effective Winter 2013

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 630 - Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues of Administration

    Operation of laws; development of legal principles; federal and state relationships to education; authority relationships to education; authority and liability of school boards, administrators and teachers; negligence; discipline and control; professional ethics and related issues.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 631 - Human Relations Skills for Educational Leaders

    An overview of the need for, and functions of, various human relations in the leadership of educational institutions. Development of an understanding and practice of specific interactive strategies necessary for such leadership.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 632 - Community College Leadership

    This course provides a historical overview of the development of American Community Colleges. The course focuses on the social forces leading to the community college movement, educational philosophies and multiple institutional missions. The roles and responsibilities of leaders in meeting the needs of diverse student populations will be emphasized. Particular attention will be paid to the organizational structures and processes that shape administrative decision making in educational leadership.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 633 - History of American Higher Education

    The study of higher education demands the understanding of historical context. The knowledge of history provides an understanding of the shape of present experience. The course will examine historical needs in higher education that have affected students, faculty, staff and trustees in terms of traditions, customs, values and practice.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 634 - Higher Education Finance

    This course will provide an overview of the economics and financing of postsecondary education in the United States. It will include an introduction to economics theory as applied to institutions of higher learning, financial trends in funding America’s colleges and universities, federal investment in higher education, tuition and fee trends, and state policy and budgeting processes. The course will briefly review the basic elements of fiscal management at the institutional level.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Last Updated:

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 635 - Policy Analysis in Higher Education

    This seminar concentrates on the vital role of public policy in shaping American higher education. The nexus between government and contemporary social and political issues affecting institutions of higher learning will be examined. The course is designed to assist students in gaining greater familiarity with identifying, analyzing and evaluating specific policies.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 636 - Legal, Ethical and Policy Issues in Student Affairs

    The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of those legal, ethical and policy issues facing departments in student affairs. To assist in this understanding, an overview of legal and ethical and policy issues as they relate to major functional areas within student affairs.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Last Updated:

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 655 - College Student Development Theory

    This course teaches education professionals to apply college student development and learning theories in higher education environments. Students will learn how various theories can be intentionally applied to facilitate student development both inside and outside the classroom. Student development theory is unique to higher education environments. Further relevant psychological theories are offered in   and  .

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Class Restriction(s): Graduate Standing

    Last Updated:
    Links 05/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 660 - Grantwriting

    This course is designed to help students develop and improve their grantwriting and grantsmanship skills and knowledge. The course topics include, but are not limited to, developing a fundable idea, writing a quality proposal and locating sources of funding.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Cross-listed with  

    Last Updated:
    Links 05/2011

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 679 - Special Topics

    Special experimental offerings of the educational leadership program. Not more than six hours of special topics may be used on a degree program.

    Credit Hours: 1 hr
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 680 - Special Topics

    Special experimental offerings of the educational leadership program. Not more than six hours of special topics may be used on a degree program.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 681 - Special Topics

    Special experimental offerings of the educational leadership program. Not more than six hours of special topics may be used on a degree program.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 682 - Workshop

    Special topics of educational leadership designed to maximize student participation.

    Credit Hours: 1 hr
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Notes -
    Emphasis on the workshop method of teaching and learning. Topics to be selected. (See current schedule.)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 683 - Workshop

    Special topics of educational leadership designed to maximize student participation.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Notes -
    Emphasis on the workshop method of teaching and learning. Topics to be selected. (See current schedule.)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 684 - Workshop

    Special topics of educational leadership designed to maximize student participation.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Notes -
    Emphasis on the workshop method of teaching and learning. Topics to be selected. (See current schedule.)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 685 - Workshop

    Special topics of educational leadership designed to maximize student participation.

    Credit Hours: 4 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Notes -
    Emphasis on the workshop method of teaching and learning. Topics to be selected. (See current schedule.)

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 697 - Independent Study

    An intensive study of a problem under the direction of a University faculty member.

    Credit Hours: 1 hr
    Grade Mode: Credit/No-Credit

    Department Permission is required

    Prerequisite(s): 10 hours in educational leadership

    Notes -
    Approval of advisor is required

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 698 - Independent Study

    An intensive study of a problem under the direction of a University faculty member.

    Credit Hours: 2 hrs
    Grade Mode: Credit/No-Credit

    Department Permission is required

    Prerequisite(s): 10 hours in educational leadership

    Notes -
    Approval of Advisor is required

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 699 - Independent Study

    An intensive study of a problem under the direction of a University faculty member.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Credit/No-Credit

    Department Permission is required

    Prerequisite(s): 10 hours in educational leadership

    Notes -
    Approval of advisor is required

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections

  • EDLD 710 - Leadership Theory

    Theories and models of administration and leadership; general theories and research in leader behavior.

    Credit Hours: 3 hrs
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F)

    Prerequisite(s): admission to the specialist or doctoral program in educational leadership, or permission of instructor

    Summer 2024 Course Sections

    Fall 2024 Course Sections


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