Jan 29, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

Academic Policies & Processes

I. Introduction
II. Admission and Application Policy

A. Conditional Admission
B. Interrupted Enrollment and Readmission

III. Non-Degree Policy
IV. Registration
V. Late Registration Fee
VI. Cancellation of Registration Fee
VII. Program of Study – POS
VIII. Enrollment in 100/200/300/400-Level Undergraduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit by Graduate Students
IX. Enrollment in 500-Level Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit by Advanced Undergraduates
X. Auditing Courses
XI. Pass/Fail Grading Option
XII. Independent Study
XIII. Course Limitations
XIV. Attendance
XV. Withdrawal

A. Withdrawal from Individual Classes
B. Withdrawal from All Classes

XVI. Course Numbering System
XVII. Grading System
XVIII. Credit/No Credit
XIX. Repeating Courses
XX. Incomplete (I) and In-Progress (IP) Grades
XXI. Grade Changes
XXII. Academic Load
XXIII. Full-time Status during Low Enrollment
XXIV. Transfer of Credit to Degree Programs
XXV. Residency Requirements
XXVI. Time Limitations
XXVII. Academic Probation and Dismissal
XXVIII. Process for Requesting Reinstatement after Dismissal
XXIX. Final Project/Experience

A. Graduate Research Conference

XXX. Graduation

A. Graduation Requirements
B. Graduation Fee
C. Commencement

XXXI. Continuation of Coursework

I. Introduction

This document contains the policies and processes which are followed by Eastern Michigan University as related to graduate students and courses. The University established these policies to ensure consistent standards in registration, program requirements, and the awarding of degrees across all Eastern Michigan University graduate programs.

Responsibilities for graduate programs are shared by the Graduate School and the colleges, schools, departments, and programs. These units may have requirements and rules specific to their graduate programs. Students are expected to be familiar with academic regulations and rules.

This guide will be updated annually and included in the Graduate Catalog. It is also published online by the Office of Records and Registration. It is the authoritative statement of university policies and procedures for its graduate programs.

We hope you find this to be a helpful guide to Graduate School policies. If you have questions, please direct them to the Registrar at registrar@emich.edu.

Wade Tornquist, Ph.D.
Interim Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies & Research

Christina Shell
University Registrar

II. Admission and Application Policy

Students must meet all of the policies of their academic department and the Graduate School of the academic year of first enrollment after admission into the applicable degree program. Policies from the year of enrollment can be found in the catalog of that year.

Students who do not enroll during the semester in which they are admitted must update their admission by submitting an Enrollment Change form to the Office of Admissions before registration is permitted.

A. Conditional Admission

At the discretion of the Academic Program and the Graduate School, an applicant may be admitted as a conditional student.

i. Condition 1 (Curriculum Deficiencies)

The applicant meets Graduate School requirements but has curricular deficiencies in their graduate preparation and/or does not meet other department standards. Special conditions that must be completed prior to gaining program admission or during program completion are listed in the acceptance letter. Further, the minimum grades and timeline for required courses are noted.

ii. Condition 2 (Senior Status)

The applicant is in the process of completing their undergraduate degree. This status is valid for one enrollment period. The condition is removed when the student submits an official transcript to the Office of Admissions with a baccalaureate degree posted.

iii. Condition 3 (English as a Second Language – ESL)

The applicant is a non-native speaker of English who scored below the Graduate School and/or department required minimum on the English proficiency examination(s). ESL staff determine the ESL course(s) and timeline required to remove the condition.

iv. Condition 4 (Academic Deficiencies)

The applicant does not meet the minimum GPA requirement of the Graduate School (2.7) or the program, and/or applicant graduated from a non-accredited institution but has demonstrated potential to be successful in a graduate-level program. This admission status requires that the student complete the first nine credit hours of graduate courses at EMU and establish good academic standing with a minimum 3.0 grade point average. A Condition 4 student who does not achieve a 3.0 or higher in the first nine graduate credit hours at EMU will have their admission rescinded automatically with no opportunity to appeal.

Under no condition will a student be awarded a graduate degree with conditional status.

B. Interrupted Enrollment and Readmission

Graduate students whose enrollment at Eastern Michigan University is interrupted for any reason, resulting in a non-enrollment period of at least two consecutive years, must apply for readmission. For a student who meets the 3.0 GPA requirement, the department, school, or program of the student’s major will evaluate the application and determine readmission eligibility. Any student with a cumulative graduate grade point average below 3.0 must petition the department, school, or program and the Graduate School for the readmission decision. Readmitted students must meet all the current policies of their academic department and the Graduate School at the time of re-enrollment, even if those policies have changed since original enrollment.

Readmission is not guaranteed and is not immediate upon submission of a request. Students should apply for readmission at least two months prior to the start of the semester in which they wish to re-enroll.

III. Non-Degree Policy

Students admitted with a non-degree status are, by definition, not admitted or enrolled in a graduate degree program. A restricted number of credit hours taken as a non-degree student may be applied to a graduate degree once the student is admitted. Non-degree students should seek advising directly from academic departments or from the University Advising and Career Development Center to identify graduate degrees that align with their career interest. Further, students are advised to review the Graduate School Policies including Residency Requirements, Time to Degree, and Transfer Credits (see below) to determine if courses taken can apply to their desired degree.

IV. Registration

Students may not attend classes unless they are properly registered and have paid appropriate fees. Students may not adjust their semester course selection after published time frames for each semester. Registration for a semester will be considered final at the end of the applicable semester.

A non-refundable registration fee is charged each semester. Additional information regarding tuition and fees is available at emich.edu/sbs.

V. Late Registration Fee

A late registration fee is charged to those students who do not complete at least one-course registration before the official first day of classes each semester. Students enrolling for a course after the mid-point of the semester will be charged an additional late add fee.

VI. Cancellation of Registration Fee

Registered students who decide before classes begin not to attend classes at EMU must complete a “Cancellation of Registration” form or send a letter to the Office of Records and Registration. Any housing contracts must also be canceled in the Housing Office to cancel room/board assessments.

VII. Program of Study – POS

A program of study is a required document that lists the courses a student must take to complete their degree. A POS is required for students in all degree and certificate programs. A program of study must meet minimum credit hour requirements

  • A Certificate degree must include a minimum of 12 credit hour
  • A Master’s degree must have a minimum of 30 credit hours
  • A Specialist degree must have a minimum of 32 credit hours (post master’s degree)
  • A Doctorate of Philosophy degree must have a minimum of 60 credit hours post master’s degree. A Doctor of Nursing Pracitice must have 41 credit hours post master’s degree. A Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology  requires 45 credit hours for the graduate of the MS program in Clinical Psychology at EMU.

Students must ensure that all courses on their program of study meet the Time to Degree and Residency policy requirements. Any changes to the Program of Study that depart from the required courses or credit hour requirements listed in the Graduate Catalog must have the signed approval of the Department Head/School Director of that Program. Students who fail to obtain a program of study approved by their advisor assume full responsibility for their registrations and for satisfying University, Graduate School, and departmental program requirements. An approved program of study must be on file in the Office of Records and Registration, 303 Pierce Hall, to meet graduation requirements. Students should schedule an appointment with their academic/graduate advisor to set up a program of study as soon as possible within their first semester.

VIII. Enrollment in 100/200/300/400-Level Undergraduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit by Graduate Students

The Graduate School does not permit the use of undergraduate courses (499 and below) to meet degree requirements on graduate programs of study. This policy does not restrict graduate advisors from adding undergraduate courses to programs of study to meet deficiencies or meet pre-requisites; however, such courses will not be honored as graduate coursework, cannot be used to meet graduate degree requirements, and will not appear on a graduate transcript. The course(s) will, however, appear on an undergraduate transcript. Graduate students taking these courses may be required to obtain permission from the academic department offering the course prior to registration.

IX. Enrollment in 500-Level Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit by Advanced Undergraduates

An undergraduate student may enroll in 500-level courses with instructor, department, and the Office of Records and Registration approval if 1) the student has completed 85 or more hours with a minimum GPA of 2.7, or 2) the student is a member in good standing of the Honors College, has completed 76 or more hours, and has written permission from the Honors College Director. No more than fifteen (15) 500-level credits may be taken by an undergraduate student.

Under no circumstances may an undergraduate student take a 600-level (or higher) course.

Courses taken as described above will appear on the undergraduate transcript and be included in all undergraduate academic calculations (including, but not limited to, academic standing and hours toward graduation). Furthermore, these courses may not be used to satisfy graduate program requirements at a later date.

Request forms are available on the Registrar’s website (emich.edu/registrar/formslibrary/). The form must be approved by the instructor and, if applicable, the Honor’s College Director, and then returned to the Office of Records and Registration at the beginning of the semester in which the course will be taken.

X. Auditing Courses

Graduate students who wish to audit a course must submit a completed audit form, register for the course, and pay the same tuition and fees as for academic credit enrollment. Courses appear on the graduate transcript with a grade of “AU” but are not used in graduate academic calculations (including, but not limited to, academic standing and hours toward graduation). Courses taken as an audit may not be used toward a graduate degree or certificate.

Request forms are available on the Registrar’s website (emich.edu/registrar/formslibrary/). The form must be approved by the Head of the department offering the course and then returned to the Office of Records and Registration at the beginning of the semester in which the course will be taken. See the Office of Records and Registration website for deadlines.

XI. Pass/Fail Grading Option

Graduate students may elect a pass/fail grading option when enrolling in undergraduate courses for enrichment that will not apply to a graduate program of study. Courses will appear on an undergraduate academic transcript and will not, therefore, count as hours toward a graduate degree. Undergraduate curriculum deficiency requirements noted on a program of study may not be taken under a pass/fail option unless approved by a graduate advisor.

Students should enroll in the course, complete the Graduate Request to Take an Undergraduate Course as Pass/Fail and obtain Program Coordinator approval. The form should then be submitted to the Office of Records and Registration before the end of the first week of the semester. Request forms are available on the Registrar’s website (emich.edu/registrar/formslibrary/). Students complete all coursework and the faculty member submits a letter grade at the end of the semester. The grade is automatically converted to pass/fail for publication on the academic transcript. A student may cancel the pass/fail grading option according to published deadlines and the letter grade submitted by the faculty member will post to the student’s transcript.

XII. Independent Study

Independent study enables graduate students to pursue academic interests not addressed in conventional courses. A maximum of six (6) hours of independent study may be used on a degree program. See the section on Course Limitations below.

XIII. Course Limitations

In order to maintain the consistency, integrity, and rigor of graduate programs, EMU places limits on the number of certain types of courses students may count toward a graduate degree or certificate. Specifically, courses that have not undergone a full review through the university input process to become permanent course offerings toward a graduate degree are subject to a limitation of 12 credit hours.

Special topics courses (usually numbered as 590, 591, 592, 679, 680, 681) and Independent study (usually numbered as 597, 598, 599, 697, 698, 699) are examples of courses which are not considered permanent course offerings. While Seminar courses (usually numbered as 693, 694, 695, 696) and Workshop courses (usually numbered as 594,595, 596, 597, 682, 683, 684, 685) are traditionally included, some may have undergone a review and become permanent course offerings. Students should check with their advisor to confirm the status of Seminars and Workshops.

While the maximum number of credits allowed of this type is 12, no more than six credit hours of independent study courses may be included.

Further, no more than six hours of Thesis/Final Project (usually numbered as 690, 691, 692, 790, 791, 792) may be used to satisfy graduate degree requirements.

XIV. Attendance

Students who find it necessary to be absent from classes to observe major religious holidays may arrange with their instructors to make up missed work, including examinations. If satisfactory arrangements cannot be made with the instructor, students may appeal to the department head/school director.

Expectations regarding class attendance should be included in the printed syllabus distributed by the instructor at the beginning of the semester.

XV. Withdrawal

Graduate students are expected to follow University policy and procedures for withdrawal, both from individual classes and from the University. Non-attendance and/or non-payment of tuition do not constitute a withdrawal or absolve a student of academic or financial responsibility.

A. Withdrawal from Individual Classes

A tuition credit adjustment of 100 percent minus the non-refundable registration fee will be made for students who decrease their academic load before the published deadline. These dates are published each semester online by the Office of Records and Registration. No credit adjustments will be made after the published dates. NOTE: Students with financial holds should contact the Office of Records and Registration or a Service EMU location to process withdrawals. The dates below reflect deadlines for full-term (15 week) courses. Deadlines for shorter courses are available on the Registrar’s website (emich.edu/registrar).

Please note: A student’s last course may not be dropped through the online system. Contact a Service EMU location or the Office of Records and Registration to drop a final course.

i. First Eight Days. Any change in the student’s course registration occurring during this period may be processed through the registration system. Courses are recorded as drops and do not appear on the student’s academic transcript. No grades will be posted. Students receive a 100 percent tuition credit adjustment, less a drop transaction fee.

ii. Ninth Day Through the Tenth Week. All student-initiated withdrawals are processed through their my.emich account and are accepted automatically and recorded on the student transcript with a “W” grade. Withdrawals initiated during this period will not result in tuition adjustment or reimbursement.

iii. After the Tenth Week, Until the Beginning of the Final Exam Period. Students must initiate a late withdrawal request by completing and submitting the form found at emich.edu/registrar/documents/late-withdrawal-tuition-appeal.pdf. A late withdrawal will be granted by the review committee only if the student provides documentation of extenuating circumstances resulting in an inability to complete the course (e.g., illness, family concerns, or an inability to withdraw from the course within university deadlines). These extenuating circumstances must not have been present before the deadline for withdrawal. Poor academic performance and inability to pay financially are not valid reasons for withdrawal, and such requests will be denied.

Students considering withdrawal should consult with their instructor(s) although instructor approval is not required. Students should not stop attending class after submitting a late withdrawal request before receiving official notification that their withdrawal has been approved. If a student stops attending class without officially withdrawing and does not take the final examination, University policy requires that the instructor assign a grade of F for the course. Students who believe they have received an unearned F grade and who wish to appeal must do so during the following semester through the University Grade Grievance process.

International students holding F-1 or J-1 visas must seek additional approval from the Office of International Students. Students who are on financial aid or who hold scholarships, fellowships, or graduate assistantships should consult the Graduate School before withdrawing from courses to fully understand the potential financial impact.

Policies governing the refund of tuition and fees are to be found in the Tuition and Fees section of the graduate catalog. The Student Guide, published each semester by the Office of Records and Registration, should be consulted for the calendar regulating withdrawals

B. Withdrawal from All Classes

Students may withdraw from all classes before the first day of exams and receive a grade of W for all courses. This transaction is handled by the Office of Records and Registration or a Service EMU location. Such withdrawal may necessitate the updating of a student’s admission status, and students in their first semester must notify their academic department and the Office of Admissions before re-enrolling. The dates below reflect deadlines for full-term (15 week) courses. Deadlines for shorter courses are available on the Registrar’s website (emich.edu/registrar).

Please note: A student’s last course may not be dropped through the online system. Contact a Service EMU location or the Office of Records and Registration to drop a final course.

i. First Eight Days: Students receive a 100 percent tuition credit adjustment, less a drop transaction fee.

ii. Ninth through the 19th Day: Students receive a 50 percent tuition credit adjustment, less a non-refundable registration fee. Grades of W will be posted.

iii. Twentieth through the 38th Day: Students receive a 25 percent tuition credit adjustment, less a non-refundable registration fee. Grades of W will be posted.

iv. Thirty-ninth Day through the Day Before Final Examinations: Students receive no tuition credit adjustment. Grades of W will be posted.

v. After the First Day of the Final Examination Period: No withdrawal will take place.

XVI. Course Numbering System

Eastern Michigan University recognizes the following course numbering system for its graduate level courses:

500-599: for graduate students. The 500-level courses are open to advanced undergraduates (with instructor approval) but may not subsequently be used on a graduate degree program; see Enrollment in 500-Level Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit by Advanced Undergraduates.

600-699: for graduate students only.

700 & above: for advanced-level graduate degree students.

XVII. Grading System



Grade points per credit hour

Exceptionally high order









Distinctly above average















Unsatisfactory (denoting failure)















Note: Graduate students who earn a D+, D, or D- grade will have an F grade posted on their transcript as grades below a C- are considered a failing grade by the Graduate School.

Student academic records are kept on permanent file in the Office of Records and Registration. See emich.edu/registrar/transcripts for ordering options.

Please note: Latin honors are not awarded to graduate students at the time of degree conferral.

XVIII. Credit/No Credit

The Graduate School awards credit/no credit only for theses, practicums, selected fieldwork, selected independent study courses and special cases such as exhibitions in art. It is not a student’s prerogative to elect a course for credit/no credit; only previously designated courses are available for such grading mode. To receive credit for a credit/no credit course, a student must perform in a manner equivalent to B work in the judgment of the faculty member supervising the student’s work.

XIX. Repeating Courses

Students who meet the prerequisites and all other conditions for enrollment may repeat a course.

  • Courses that are dropped, or from which a student has withdrawn, are not counted as attempted repeats for this policy.
  • Unless otherwise noted in the course description, credit for any repeated course (including all attempts at EMU and transfer credit granted) will apply only once toward all degree requirements.
  • The rules do not apply to courses (such as Independent Studies) that can be taken for credit more than once. Multiple attempts in such courses are not considered repeats, and all grades received will be used in determining the student’s grade point average.
  • A student who earned a passing grade in a course, will lose the credit if they subsequently retake the course and receive an F. If a student receives an Incomplete in the final attempt of a repeated course, the most recent earlier grade is the grade of record until the coursework is completed and the “I” is replaced by the new grade earned
  • A course may be repeated only once and only if the original grade was a B- or lower.
  • The last grade received will be used in determining the students’ grade point average.
  • All course attempts will remain on the permanent record, with repeats indicated, even if not used to determine the grade point average.

XX. Incomplete (I) and In-Progress (IP) Grades

An incomplete grade of “I” may be awarded at the discretion of the instructor when illness or other unavoidable extenuating circumstances prevent completion of a course, provided that academic performance for the completed portion of the course (50% or more) merits a grade of B or better. The instructor will provide the student and the department head/school director with a rationale for the “I” grade, will specify the work required to remove the Incomplete and will specify the time by which the work must be completed.

An “I” grade must be removed within 12 months. The instructor of the course determines the actual amount of time. A request to extend the 12-month limit may be made only under unusual circumstances and upon the written recommendation of the instructor, department head/school director and academic dean. Final approval of the extension rests with the Office of the Provost. The initiative for conversion of an “I” to a letter grade rests with the student. No extensions will be granted after three years, or the conferral of a degree, whichever is first. At such time, the “I” or “IP” grade becomes a permanent part of the student’s academic record and will show on the student’s transcript.

Incomplete (I) or In-Progress (IP) grades received in courses that constitute the final project/experience required for graduation, such as those with “capstone”, “practicum”, “final project”, “thesis”, “dissertation”, “research”, or “internship” in the title are not governed by the 12-month limitation regulation. (If confusion arises over whether a course qualifies, determinations will be made by the Graduate School.) Both Incomplete and In-Progress courses must be completed within the Time Limitations requirements governing the applicable degree. See Time Limitations requirements below.

XXI. Grade Changes

When a letter grade (excluding “I” for an incomplete grade or “IP” for in-progress grade) is posted to a student’s permanent record, and it will be considered final unless an error was made in assigning the grade. Permitting a student to submit missing work or extra credit to improve a grade after the grade has been posted is not acceptable.

If an instructor error is identified, the instructor must file a grade change form, explaining the error. This form requires the approval of the department head/school director. The appropriate academic dean will also review and approve grade changes to ensure consistency with academic policies. All changes in letter grades (except an “I” or “IP” grade) will require the signature of the dean of the college. The grade change will then be submitted to and processed by, personnel in the Office of Records and Registration.

It is the responsibility of the student to call the instructor’s attention to a possible grading error in a timely manner, but not more than 12 months after the questionable grade is posted.

Three (3) years following the close of any term of enrollment, or at the time of the student’s graduation (whichever is first), the student’s transcript will be considered to be the final indisputable record of academic achievement.

Specifically, at the end of three years, grades are considered final, and no changes will be made to transcripts (e.g., no term or individual withdrawals, no grade omissions, no recalculated grades based on mathematical or clerical error, no incomplete (I) or In-Progress (IP) removals). This rule does not apply to graduate courses that constitute the final project/experience required for graduation, such as those with “capstone,” “practicum,” “final project,” “thesis,” “dissertation,” “research,” or “internship” in the title. (If confusion arises over whether a course qualifies, determinations will be made by the Graduate School.)

These courses must, however, be completed within the Time Limitations requirements governing the applicable degree. See Time Limitations below.

XXII. Academic Load

Eight hours of graduate credit for the semester is the standard full-time load. International students enrolled in less than eight credit hours should contact the Office of International Students.

Graduate students may not enroll in more than 15 hours for any semester without prior permission from the Office of Records and Registration. Support of the faculty advisor/program coordinator is required for consideration. If students seeking professional teaching certificates or additional endorsements need to take more than the maximum allowable number of credit hours, they may do so by contacting the Office of Records and Registration, 734.487.4111.

Support of the faculty advisor/program coordinator is required for consideration for these students, as well.

By federal regulation, students must be enrolled in four hours per semester to be considered half-time. For Title IV programs, veteran’s benefits, and loan deferments, the following requirements must be met:

Maximum load: 15 hours per semester

Full-time load: Minimum of 8 hours per semester

Half-time load: 4-7 hours per semester

XXIII. Full-time Status during Low Enrollment

Doctoral students who have completed ALL academic coursework (excluding comprehensive exam, dissertation and/or internship), but who continue to work toward completion of those requirements may be considered full-time during periods of registration in those courses. After such registrations are no longer needed to satisfy program requirements, a doctoral student may enroll in a Continuous Enrollment (767) course and be considered a full-time student. A FINAL program of study must be on file to verify eligibility, and a formal request is required. Request forms are available on the Registrar’s website (emich.edu/registrar/formslibrary/).

This opportunity for full-time status does not apply if other courses on the program of study are not completed, or during terms in which registration in other courses exists (including, but not limited to, independent study).

Enrollment in the Continuous Enrollment (767) course will not apply toward degree completion, nor will there be assignments or a grade.

Full-time status will assist in several ways, including:

  • enabling access to University services such as the library as thesis/dissertation or final projects are being completed;
  • delaying loan repayment while completing a thesis, dissertation, or final project;
  • providing liability coverage during internship or field placement.

Some graduate programs, such as the doctoral program in Educational Leadership, may require continuous enrollment. Students may repeat registration in a continuous enrollment course as often as needed.

XXIV. Transfer of Credit to Degree Programs

Graduate credit may be accepted from other accredited institutions to be used on a graduate degree program at EMU. Acceptable transfer credit(s) will be determined by the department, subject to the approval of the department head/school director and the Office of Records and Registration.

Transfer credit must:

  • apply to the EMU degree program;
  • have a grade of B or higher (grades of “pass,” “satisfactory,” or “credit” cannot be transferred unless noted on the transcript key as equivalent to a B or better grade);
  • not be out-of-date per the degree time limitation (see below);
  • be recommended by the advisor and approved by Office of Records and Registration;
  • be documented as graduate credit on an official graduate transcript from an accredited institution;
  • be reflected in the student’s program of study.

Some departments have a more restrictive transfer-credit policy; refer to program information in the graduate catalog for details.

Transfer credit(s) must be evaluated before the graduation degree audit. Official transcripts for courses planned to be transferred to Eastern Michigan University should be on file in the Office of Records and Registration at least one month before the end of the semester in which the student plans to graduate. Such credits are recorded on the student’s record at the time of approval, even if the course is not ultimately used on the program of study.

Request forms are available on the Registrar’s website (emich.edu/registrar/formslibrary/). Approval of the Program Coordinator is required before submitting to the Office of Records and Registration.

XXV. Residency Requirements

Regardless of the number of credit hours required for the receipt of an EMU graduate award/degree (12 hours minimum for a graduate certificate, 30 hours minimum for master’s degree, 32 hours beyond the master’s degree for a specialist degree, 90 hours beyond the baccalaureate degree for doctoral students), a graduate student at EMU must take a minimum number of credit hours once accepted and enrolled into an EMU degree program to receive an EMU graduate degree.

For master’s/specialist degree programs of 36 or fewer hours, at least 24 new graduate hours beginning the semester of acceptance and enrollment into the degree program must be earned at EMU. The remaining program requirement hours may be met through transfer, use of prior degree credit (EMU or elsewhere) or additional new EMU credits.

For master’s/specialist degree programs of 37 or more hours, at least 30 new graduate hours beginning the semester of acceptance and enrollment into the degree program must be earned at EMU. Minimum degree hours must still be met for graduation.

NOTE: Students transferring to a closely related program are exempt from the requirement to accrue credit hours post acceptance into the program. Students are required to meet course requirements and minimum credit hour requirements as listed in the degree program of the EMU Graduate School Catalog of the desired degree. Further, students must meet the time to degree policy.

Students enrolled in multiple master’s/specialist degree programs must have 24 unique credit hours in each degree program.

For graduate certificate programs, at least nine graduate hours beginning the semester of acceptance and enrollment into the program must be earned at EMU.

Students completing multiple certificate programs must have a minimum of 9 unique credit hours per certificate.

Credits from only one completed graduate certificate may be applied to a master’s or specialist degree in a relevant field of study, with the approval of the degree-granting academic department, and be included in the residency hours above.

Graduate degrees earned at EMU or another accredited institution may be applied (in part or in total) to a student’s doctoral program of study at the discretion of the student’s doctoral program advisor.

Post Master’s/Post Specialist degree, a student can transfer in up to 12 credit hours of graduate level studies. These additional credit hours are at the discretion of the program and must meet Time to Degree requirements.

XXVI. Time Limitations

Students have seven years to complete the requirements for the doctoral degree from the date of first enrollment in the doctoral program at EMU (see the section on doctoral programs). Specialist’s degree requirements must be completed within six years of degree admission if entering with a master’s degree or eight years if entering with a bachelor’s degree. Master’s degree requirements must be completed within six (6) years of first enrollment the master’s degree program. Graduate certificate requirements must be completed within three years of first enrollment in a course applicable to the certificate.

Regardless of time limitations above, no student will be allowed to graduate using any coursework older than ten years, whether it be taken at EMU or another institution.

XXVII. Academic Probation and Dismissal

Students are placed on academic probation at the end of any semester in which their cumulative EMU grade point average in courses taken for graduate credit is below 3.0. Students must complete six graduate credit hours at EMU before being subject to academic probation. Students are notified via emich email each semester of their status, and enrollment is permitted only on a semester-by-semester basis until the probation is removed. Students placed on academic probation are encouraged to contact their program advisor for assistance in determining how to return to good academic standing.

A probationary student must obtain a semester grade point average of at least 3.0 in the first semester of probation. Failure to do so will result in academic dismissal. If a probationary student can raise their semester GPA to a 3.0 or higher during the first semester of probation, but their overall GPA is still below a 3.0, the student will be given one additional semester to raise their cumulative GPA to a 3.0 or higher. Failure to do so will lead to dismissal. Students will be notified via emich email.

Individual departments may specify additional grounds for dismissal. Students who are dismissed from an individual program while in good academic standing may still be eligible for another graduate program at EMU.

XXVIII. Process for Requesting Reinstatement after Dismissal

After dismissal, students may request reinstatement by submitting a Request for Reinstatement packet to the Office of Records and Registration. Deadline for submission of a request will be included in the notice of dismissal. This request packet should include a personal letter which states the causes of the student’s academic problems, changes in the student’s situation that may rectify those problems and proposed plan of action to ensure success in graduate studies.

Documentation which supports the circumstances described will be required.

Dismissed students whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 are automatically denied reinstatement. After the deadline for submission of requests for reinstatement has passed, the Office of Records and Registration will initiate the appeals process with the Academic Status Review Committee.

All reinstatement requests must be in writing, accompanied by documentation. There are no exceptions to this process.

All documents become the property of EMU and will not be returned or copied after submission. Students should make copies for their personal use before submitting them to the committee.

Personal interviews will not be considered and reinstatement request decisions are final.

Notification of decisions will be sent to your my.emich.edu email account within 14 days of the request submission deadline.

If the request is approved, further action on the student’s part WILL be necessary to finalize their reinstatement. Deadlines will apply and be sent by email with instructions.

XXIX. Final Project/Experience

Each graduate program has a different culminating or capstone experience required for graduation. Some require a thesis or dissertation; others require a special project or internship; others require students to pass a final exam. See the Graduate School website for Thesis and Dissertation Manuals, all forms, and information about research and human subject approval. Every completed thesis or dissertation must be submitted to Digital Commons. Any form of graduate student work that is submitted to Digital Commons must first be approved by a faculty advisor and the Graduate School.

Students who choose to change their final culminating experience (e.g., thesis to research, research to project) will need to register for courses associated with the new experience. Prior registrations related to the previous experience chosen may not be changed to reflect the new type and any grades already recorded will remain on the student’s transcript.

A. Graduate Research Conference

Once nearing completion of a culminating or capstone experience, students are highly encouraged to share outcomes or findings with others on campus. The Graduate School and the Division of Academic and Student Affairs annually sponsor a Graduate Research Conference to highlight student work. Many students use this forum to practice their oral or poster presentation skills before presenting at the local, state, or national conferences. Nomination forms to participate in the event are required. All students graduating are encouraged to share their research.

XXX. Graduation

A. Graduation Requirements

It is the student’s responsibility to see that all requirements for graduation have been met. Candidates for graduation must submit an application through their my.emich account, on or before the deadline listed in the Student Guide each semester.

Deadlines are generally within the first two weeks of the semester. A non-refundable fee is associated with the application and is automatically charged to the student’s account. Students who apply for graduation, but fail to complete their degree requirements in a timely manner, must notify the Office of Records and Registration in writing and submit a new graduation application for a subsequent semester. No additional fee is required; however, previously charged fees are not refunded.

Failure to apply for graduation will result in a delay in graduation date (conferral of the degree).

Students should expect to receive their degree-verification letter within three to four weeks after the close of the semester in which their degree is conferred. Diplomas and a student-issued transcript are mailed approximately eight weeks after the close of the semester in which the degree is conferred.

Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA in all graduate-level courses taken at EMU, and in their program of study, to remain in good academic standing and be eligible for graduation. Students do not need to be registered for classes during the semester of graduation.

B. Graduation Fee

A non-refundable graduation fee ($110 for the 17-18 academic year) is charged to each student applying for a degree or a graduate or advanced graduate certificate.

Licensure fees for teaching certifications are set by the State of Michigan Department of Education.

C. Commencement

Information about commencement, including tickets, regalia and procedures are published on the EMU website at emich.edu/commencement/. Information is updated before each ceremony.

If coursework is being finished during the summer semester (i.e., August graduation), the student’s name will appear in the December commencement program, and the student may return to participate in that event.

D. Continuation of Coursework

Many EMU graduate students return to complete a second master’s degree, a graduate certificate, a specialist degree or a doctoral degree. Once a degree is conferred, the student’s status becomes inactive. A new admissions application, another fee, a new personal statement and any other admission materials the new program may require must be submitted to the Office of Admissions. Once an application has been reviewed by the new department and has been processed by the Office of Admissions, the student status will be reactivated, and course registration begins the cycle anew.

See the Graduate School website for other helpful links.