Jan 23, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

Frequently Asked Questions

The CP is a second admission program, meaning that an interested student is an EMU student before applying for the CP. MS-intent students should apply to be admitted to EMU as a non-degree seeking students. Students cannot be admitted to the EMU Graduate School with Dietetics as their major unless they have been admitted to the CP through the CP-specific application process. If admitted to the CP, students will then apply to the EMU Graduate School. Please be aware that the EMU CP is not a dietetic internship, nor is the CP affiliated with any dietetic internship.

Are all of the prerequisite courses online?

Not all prerequisites are available online through EMU. Students may take prerequisites not offered online through EMU at an approved college or university. Suggestions for preapproved online options are available via a link on our Catalog page: the Previously Reviewed Pre-Application/PreAdmission Courses for EMU Dietetics Program.

Will the classes I have taken at other colleges, and universities count towards the prerequisites?

Students should apply to EMU for a transcript review of previous coursework.

What is a Coordinated Program?

In a Coordinated Program, students complete Supervised Practice Experience hours concurrently with the program’s didactic classes (theory) portion. The CP length is two and a half years. This differs from a didactic program, where students seek a dietetic internship after earning a degree.

What is a preceptor?

A preceptor is an RD/RDN or another related professional who works with you to fulfill the objectives needed to obtain a verification statement upon graduation from the Coordinated Program. Preceptors supervise you in the field, in their places of work, to assist in completing SPE hours. The Clinical Coordinator assigns on-campus students to preceptors. Distance-online students secure their preceptors.

Can I work full-time while I’m in the Coordinated Program?

The CP is a full-time commitment. You will carry a full course load, in addition to SPE hours. We do not recommend working full-time during the Program. The CP is available online; however, one cannot complete it only in the evenings and on weekends.

When are CP applications due?

The Program Co-Director must receive all parts of the application by mid-January ~ see the current Dietetics Program application deadline on the EMU Dietetics Catalog website. Program co-Director will send letters of decision regarding acceptance by April 1 for a Summer Program start.

How many students are accepted each year?

There are 18-19 on-campus and 20 - 30 distance-online openings each year. If an applicant is not accepted, the applicant may re-apply the following year.

My first degree is in something other than dietetics. Can I apply to the master’s program?

Anyone with a bachelor’s degree who has met the application requirements is eligible to apply for the M.S. in Dietetics Coordinated Program. The prerequisites are sufficient preparation for the CP curriculum.

How do I determine prior course equivalency or have my transcript reviewed for transfer credit?

Once admitted, the EMU CCP Dietetics intent student will reach out to CHHS Advising (See the CHHS Advising Website to make an appointment), and the EMU MS-Intent student, once admitted as EMU undergraduate non-degree, will reach out to dieteticsms_advising@emich.edu for prereq course evaluation (with required form) and advising appointment.

Additional Information

  • Program outcomes data are available upon request.
  • Current EMU Student Handbook.

The Eastern Michigan University Student Handbook contains information for students about available university services, university policies and procedures, and helpful information to aid student success. Pay close attention to the policies and procedures included in this guide. Some titles and positions may have changed, but the policies remain and will be enforced accordingly (See complete advisory note)