Feb 03, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

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AFC 232 - Politics in the African American Experience (GEUS)

This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge of Black political behavior in the United States in its evolution from protest to contemporary institutional politics.

Credit Hours: 3 hrs
Previously Listed As: AAS 232
Terms Offered: Fall and Winter

AFC 232 - Politics in the African American Experience is a study of black political behavior in the United States and its evolution from protest to institutional, electoral politics. In examining the functioning and dynamics of the American political system from historical and contemporary perspectives, the course also compares and contrasts the black political experience with other minority group politics in the United States. This course uses the African American political experience and the transformative contributions that African American historic political struggles and minority group politics have made to the expansion and public appreciation of democratic principles, values and practices in the United States as a means of not only providing students with a multicultural perspective on the evolution and functioning of the American political system, but also exposing them to the diversity that characterizes “issues and perspectives” in the American political experience.
Last Updated: Course rotation 08/2014; Prefix change 02/2013, effective SUMMER 2013; Links 06/2011

Winter 2025 Course Sections

Fall 2024 Course Sections

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