HIST 160 - Reacting to the Past | GEKH This class, through a series of interactive role-playing activities, will give students a window into the lives and beliefs of people of the past in a range of global contexts. Students will focus on three key events in human history, ranging from the ancient world to the twentieth century.
Credit 3 hrs May not be repeated for additional credit Grade Mode Normal (A-F) Course Rotation Fall
Class-Level Restriction Undergraduate standing
In this course students study three critical historical periods and some of the classic texts that are crucial to these histories. Students draw on their knowledge and understanding of these periods to play three historical role-playing games. To play these games successfully, you will have to use the methods of the humanities disciplines. At their most basic, the games require you to cultivate an aesthetic appreciation, imagination, and empathic understanding of others. You will read and interpret literary, philosophical, and religious works, and demonstrate your ability to place these works in their original historical context—as well as their relevance to today’s debate and dialogue. In effect, playing the game is the process of analyzing these literary, philosophical, and religious works—with the classroom experience providing you with opportunities to demonstrate your basic knowledge of these works. To get other players to do what you want and to achieve your victory conditions, you will became familiar with discursive practices particular to the study of the humanities; specifically, you will use this knowledge to deliver persuasive speeches and write convincing arguments. If you play your role well, you will recognize how humanistic thought transforms society—not only in the past, but today as well. Ultimately, you will become well versed in not only the interpretation of ideas, but the generation of them. Because the methods of the humanities are fundamental to this class, this class meets the Knowledge of the Disciplines requirement in the Humanities area. Updates Approved for GEKH 5/2015, effective Fall 2015; New course 2/2015, effective Fall 2015
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