Dec 26, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

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PLSC 217 - Introduction to Law and Courts [GEKS]

A survey of U.S. federal court organization and state court systems, methods of judicial selection, trial and appellate court decision-making processes, and the impact of judicial policies. Comparisons to legal systems outside the United States will be made.

Credit 3 hrs May not be repeated for additional credit
Grade Mode Normal (A-F) Course Rotation

Prerequisites -
Restriction by Major -
Restriction by Class - Undergraduate standing

In the American context, courts are political as well as legal institutions. Thus, the area of law and courts is a primary subfield of the political science discipline. A student’s knowledge of the discipline will be enhanced by examining the ways in which the judiciary resolves disputes, shapes behavior, and interacts with other entities in the political system, such as legislatures, executives, bureaucratic agencies, and interest groups, Attention will be given to how political scientists examine court processes and the way in which both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used to further our understanding of courts in the United States. As such, PLSC 217 meets the outcomes for a course in the Knowledge of the Disciplines, Social Science  Category.
Keywords: law , Political Science Knowledge of the Disciplines - Social Sciences (GEKS)  

Updates: Approved for GEKS 12/2016, New Course 10/2016, effective Fall 2017

Winter 2025 Course Sections

Fall 2024 Course Sections

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