BIO 120 Introductory Biology: Evolution & Ecology [GEKN] This course introduces evolution and ecology and structure-function relationships and life history strategies of plant and animal groups. This course complements BIO 110 , which students may take before or after BIO 120. Together with their corresponding laboratory courses, they constitute the introductory biology sequence.
Credit 3 hrs May not be repeated for additional credit Grade Mode Normal (A-F) Course Rotation Fall, Winter, and Summer
Prerequisites - BIO 121 may be taken concurrently Other Restrictions - Restriction by Major - Restriction by Class - Undergraduate standing
 Rationale for Knowledge of the Disciplines - In BIO 120, students will explore the fundamental concepts, principles, and processes upon which life is based, focusing on the evolutionary and ecological outcomes of the interactions that organisms have with one another and their environment. In addition, students will explore the relationship between scientific literature and the popular media by evaluating and creating a podcast based on findings in the scientific literature. In the accompanying lab, BIO 121 , which is required for general education credit, students will work with a team of scientists to design and carry out a unique research project using plant or animal subjects. Students will learn to read the scientific literature to develop their project’s basis and communicate their findings to other scientists.
Students must complete BIO 120 and BIO 121 to satisfy general education requirements.
Keywords: biology , GEKN Equivalent Courses: BIOL 120 Updates: Approved for GEKN 5/2022, effective Fall 2022; Change to title, description, and prerequisites 2/2022, effective Fall 2022; Course Rotation updated 9/2018; Change to prerequisites 1/2018, effective Summer 2018; Course Rotation added 8/2014; Change to prereq 7/2014, effective Summer 2015; Change to description and credit hours 7/2014, effective Winter 2015
Winter 2025 Course Sections
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