Dec 11, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

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LITR 101 Introduction to Fiction [GEKH]

Reading and critical analysis of prose fiction intended to deepen the student’s understanding and enjoyment of prose fiction.

Credit 3 hrs May not be repeated for additional credit
Grade Mode Normal (A-F) Course Rotation Fall (in-person, hybrid, or online), Winter (in-person, hybrid, or online), and Summer (occasionally; in-person, hybrid, or online)

Prerequisites -
Restriction by Major -
Restriction by Class - Undergraduate standing

Rationale for Knowledge of the Disciplines - Fiction draws readers in by presenting compelling characters, engaging situations or familiar human problems. Whether the worlds in fiction feel comfortably realistic or expand a reader’s horizons with their newness, fiction remains popular for its ability to explore the boundaries of human possibility. Literature 101 is designed to cultivate students’ appreciation of prose fiction by providing a context to learn about the formal and historical features of different kinds of short stories and novels. This class introduces terms important for the critical understanding of fiction as an imaginative literary form. It also helps students analyze the plots, character and setting of fiction not only as windows into the themes of the texts but as literary works that have impacted and influenced the on-going traditions of Western literature. Because the course focuses on different types of fiction in historical contexts, students gain a nuanced understanding of the cultural meaning of fiction and learn to interpret these texts as a complex social practice meaningful as human art.

Equivalent Course(s) -
Course History -
Change to course title 10/2018, effective Fall 2019

Literature , Knowledge of the Disciplines - Humanities (GEKH)  

Winter 2025 Course Sections

Fall 2024 Course Sections

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