Dec 04, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

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AFC 211 Black Caribbean World [GEGA]

This interdisciplinary course provides an overview of the Caribbean region within a global context focusing on history and cultural production.

Credit 3 hrs May not be repeated for additional credit
Grade Mode Normal (A-F) Course Rotation Fall (online), Winter (online)

Prerequisites -
Restriction by Major -
Restriction by Class - Undergraduate standing

Rationale for Perspectives on a Diverse World - This course meets the Perspectives on a Diverse World - Global Awareness  requirement of the General Education Program by providing an overview of the Caribbean region within a global context focusing on its history, contemporary reality, and cultural production. Through lectures, readings, writings, and discussions, students will gain insight into the Caribbean regions’ complex history, appreciate its cultural production and begin to recognize the role that the Caribbean plays in larger global systems.

Students will come away from the course more aware of the important role that the Caribbean region has played in the world historically. Topics to be addressed are: the history of the indigenous populations as well as the forced importation of African peoples and their experience. Students will also explore contemporary issues of neoliberalism and ecological pressures in relation to inhabitants’ spiritual practices as well as their musical, literary, and visual production.

The course is not meant to cover every Caribbean island in one semester, which means that the course can be kept fresh and dynamic in its ability to include different countries each semester depending on what new publications come out about the region, what artists emerge, what socio-political and economic issues the professor wants to focus on, different forms of art are to be emphasized, etc.

Equivalent Course(s) -
Course History -
Course Rotation updated 12/2022; Change to title 4/2019, effective Fall 2019; Course Rotation added 4/2019; Approved for GEGA 1/2018, effective Fall 2018; New Course 10/2016, effective Fall 2017

Africology , African American Studies culture , Global Awareness (GEGA)   

Winter 2025 Course Sections

Fall 2024 Course Sections

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