Feb 03, 2025  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

Double Master’s Degree Program with Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft (University of Applied Sciences), Germany

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The purpose of the Double Master’s Degree Program is to enroll excellent students of both departments with two separate yet closely allied degrees: master of computer science, Department of Computer Science, Eastern Michigan University and master of computer science and multimedia studies, Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft (University of Applied Sciences), Germany.

Admission Requirements:

The Department of Computer Science at Eastern Michigan University (EMU) and the Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft (University of Applied Sciences) (HK-TW), henceforth labeled partner institutions, agree that admission into the Double Master’s Degree Program requires strictly equivalent academic qualification in both institutions.

For admission into the Double Master’s Degree Program with EMU as the home institution, EMU requires the equivalent of a four-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited U.S. college or university, suitable English language skills and all qualifications as specified and deemed appropriate by the Graduate School and the Department of Computer Science.

For admission into the Double Master’s Degree Program with HK-TW as the home institution, HK-TW requires a bachelor’s degree or a Diploma in Informatik or Wirtschaftsinformatik, suitable German and English language skills and all qualifications as specified and deemed appropriate by the Fachbereich Informatik at HK-TW.

A student who has been admitted into the Double Master’s Degree Program at one partner institution must apply to the Double Master’s Degree Program at the other partner institution for the completion of the international component of this program. Where the admission criteria are not easily translatable or not well articulated, reasonable judgments will be made by persons authorized and qualified to make them. An application to the partner institution shall be accompanied by a letter of recommendation for the student from the graduate coordinator in the department of the home institution that elaborates on the specific qualifications of that student for international study.

Graduation from the Double Master’s Degree Program documents that the holder of the two degrees has completed all required course work, has excelled under international conditions, has developed a global view of the field of computer science and has become an outstanding computer scientist.

Click here to apply!

Program Requirements:

The partner institutions agree that the Double Master’s Degree Program is based on a strict equivalence of credits and student performance. Successful completion of the Double Master’s Degree Program and eligibility for the two degrees named above require the completion of a significant portion of both the two master’s degree programs at the partner institutions as specified below.

Upon admission to the Double Master’s Degree Program, a student must design a program of study approved by the graduate coordinator of the participating department. Every program of study must encompass a minimum of four semesters of full-time study at the graduate level. At EMU four semesters are counted as the equivalent of 48 graduate credit hours, and at HK-TW four semesters are counted as the equivalent of 12 six-hour blocks and one master’s thesis seminar. The partner institutions therefore agree on the following framework for suitable programs of study within their respective master’s degree programs in order to accommodate students for the Double Master’s Degree Program.

A student admitted to the Double Master’s Degree Program by the Department of Computer Science with EMU as the home institution will receive master’s degrees from both institutions when the following requirements are fulfilled:

  1. Satisfactory completion of six classes (18 credit hours) of graduate studies in the Department of Computer Science at EMU. The classes must appear on an approved Program of Study based on Plan B (Research Study). For the specific requirements consult with the double degree program advisor.

  2. Satisfactory completion of one semester of graduate studies, including four blocks of Multimedia Studies in the Fachbereich Informatik at HK-TW (the blocks must appear on an approved Program of Study). For the specific requirements consult with the double degree program advisor.

  3. Satisfactory completion of a one-semester internship including a master’s thesis directed by a faculty member in the Fachbereich Informatik at HK-TW.

A student admitted to the Double Master’s Degree Program by the Fachbereich Informatik with HK-TW as the home institution will receive master’s degrees from both institutions when the following requirements are fulfilled:

  1. Satisfactory completion of two semesters of graduate studies, including six blocks of Multimedia Studies in the Fachbereich Informatik at HK-TW (the blocks must appear on an approved Program of Study). For the specific requirements consult with the double degree program advisor.

  2. Satisfactory completion of five classes (15 credit hours) of graduate studies in the Department of Computer Science at EMU (the classes must appear on an approved Program of Study based on Plan B [Research Study]). For the specific requirements consult with the double degree program advisor.

  3. Satisfactory completion of a one-semester research study directed by a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science at EMU.

Department Information:

Computer Science - College of Arts & Sciences

Augustine Ikeji, Ph.D.
Department Head

511D Pray Harrold
(734) 487-1063

Department Website

Advisor Information:

Please contact Department for advisor information.

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