Feb 13, 2025
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.
Master of Arts in Visual Arts Education (VAED)
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Eastern Michigan University’s advanced professional education programs develop leaders who demonstrate reflective thought and scholarship within the context of a culturally diverse society. In addition, the master of arts in visual arts education program produces educators who are committed to their ongoing professional growth and are aware of the challenges of democracy in our culturally diverse society. These educators will assert leadership and the ability to cultivate abstract thinking skills and analyze visual statements for personal meaning.
Admission Requirements:
Applicants should see the Graduate Catalog section on admissions for general admission information and procedure. Entry requirements are a minimum of 34 hours of art education and studio art with a minimum 2.8 grade point average in these classes. In addition, each applicant is expected to hold a teaching certificate for the teaching of art. Prerequisites for admission to the M.A. (VAED) Degree Program: - An undergraduate degree in art education and K-12 art certification is normally required. Persons with undergraduate degrees in areas other than art must complete the 54-hour art major and additional certification requirements prior to submitting an application to the M.A. (VAED) degree program.
- A portfolio of 10-15 full screen size digital images of the applicant’s studio work organized in a multiple page PDF or PowerPoint file, or a folder of jpegs, on a CD with captions or a separate list stating title, medium, size, and date of completion for each image submitted of the applicant’s studio work and/or of student’s work with a separate list stating title, medium, size, and date of completion for each image submitted.
- A letter of intent (regarding the applicant’s reasons for pursuing studies in a graduate art education program), a 1-2 page statement of the applicant’s teaching philosophy, a 1-2 page statement of the applicant’s research interests, and three letters of reference.
- A K-12 Art (LQ) Secondary-Provisional Certificate.
Admission procedures are as follows: - Submission of the University’s application along with a copy of the applicant’s teaching certificate and other requested materials to the University’s Office of Admissions.
- Submission of a department application, portfolio, letter of intent, statements of a teaching philosophy and research interests, and three letters of reference to the Art Department’s graduate coordinator. (Submitted online with Graduate School Application)
- Review and evaluation of the applicant’s materials by both the Office of Admissions and the Art Department’s Graduate Admissions Committee.
- Notification to the candidate of the Committee’s decision.
The terms presented in this document are intended to cover basic aspects of the Master of Arts (VAED) degree program and to clarify procedures for candidates seeking admission to or currently enrolled in the program. All M.A. (VAED) degree program participants (advisors, instructors, and students) are obligated to familiarize themselves with program expectations. The graduate coordinator welcomes any questions from advisors, instructors, student candidates, or those seeking admission with respect to these guidelines and/or any other aspect of the M.A. (VAED) degree program. The M.A. (VAED) degree program is designed for those persons who have completed their Art K-12 (LQ) Secondary Provisional certification and are currently teaching art at the K-12 levels. This information can also be found at the University’s website via catalog copy, at the Art Department’s website under “graduate programs,” and/or at the Art Department’s art education website. Click here to apply!Degree Requirements:
The graduate coordinator will meet with each student to construct a program of study. Students should follow closely the Graduate School requirements for “Application for Diploma.” Students whose degree program includes a final exhibition of work must apply for gallery space one semester prior to the proposed exhibition. Graduate credit in art education (theory and practice) earned more than six years prior to the date on which the degree was granted may not be applied to meet the graduate requirements. After the student has completed six hours of course work in art education, the graduate coordinator or program advisor will evaluate for approval the selection of a thesis proposal or paper option in an appropriate art education area, or the student will be assigned an advisor to oversee the taking of the comprehensive exam. Department Information:
Art - College of Arts & Sciences Advisor Information:
Michael Reedy, M.F.A. 114 Ford Hall (734) 487-1268 mreedy@emich.edu Course Requirements:
The M.A. (VAED) requires the completion of 30 hours of course work to be distributed among required courses, elective courses and cognate courses as follows: Master of Arts in Visual Arts Education
Art Education Courses: 9 hours
Students take one course in each of the following sections: History of Visual Arts Education
Curriculum, Teaching Studio & Technology Applications
Art History, Art Criticism and Aesthetics: 6 hours
Students take one course in each of the following sections: Art History
Art History courses approved 400 and above the 400 level. Non-Western Art History course approved 400 and above the 400 level.* * NOTE: Required for students who are working toward Visual Arts Education Specialist (LZ) Endorsement. Art Criticism and Aesthetics
Student Art Courses approved 400 and above 400 level: 12 credits
Students select four courses from the following: Two-Dimensional - Watercolor
- Painting
- Drawing
- Graphic Design
- Photography
- Printmaking
Three-Dimensional - Sculpture
- Jewelry
- Ceramics
- Textiles
Thesis or Exam: 4 hours
Students select either: Exam Track
- One additional class in any area of VAE program (3 hrs)
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