Mar 02, 2025
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.
Master of Science in Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology (EEOB)
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The Master of Science in Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal biology program prepares students for research and teaching careers in such fields as aquatic ecology, terrestrial ecology, evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology and physiological ecology. It provides background for students entering doctoral programs in diverse areas of plant, animal and microbial ecology. It also prepares research personnel for careers with government agencies or private companies concerned with the protection or management of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The program stresses the development of research skills, taxonomic expertise, field and laboratory methods and their application to both theoretical and applied ecology.
Admission Requirements:
A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution; - At least 20 hours in biology, with a course in genetics;
- One year of general chemistry;
- One year of organic chemistry, or one semester of organic chemistry and one semester of biochemistry;
- One semester of physics, including electricity and light;
- One semester of calculus or statistics;
- An academic record of B (3.0) or better during the junior and senior years;
- Submission to the Office of Graduate Admissions of a completed departmental admission form, two letters of recommendation and personal statement;
- Submission to the Office of Graduate Admissions scores from Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) general tests (subject test not required); and
- Meeting the admission requirements of the Graduate School
Conditional Admission - Students deficient in a requirement for admission to any of the programs may be granted conditional admission. Subject to removal for the deficiency, while beginning graduate study. Hours earned in making up deficiencies are in addition to those normally required for the degree. Department Information:
Biology - College of Arts & Sciences Advising Information: Upon admission to the biology program, students will receive initial advising from the graduate coordinator, the principal advisor in their selected concentration, or the departmental graduate committee. Students are responsible for forming a permanent guidance committee and developing a program of study approved by that committee before registering for their second semester. After the first semester, if no program of study is on file, the guidance committee is not obligated to include any unapproved courses taken as part of the student’s final program. The guidance committee for Thesis students will include at least three faculty members from the Biology Department. The student usually selects the chair of the committee, and the other two members are chosen by the chair in consultation with the student. Additional members of the committee may be added from inside or outside the department by agreement between the chair and the student. The guidance committee for Non-thesis students will consist of the principal graduate advisor for the selected concentration and the graduate coordinator. The graduate advisor, in consultation with the student, will prepare the student’s program, which must be approved by the graduate coordinator. The student may select a third member of the guidance committee from faculty within the Biology Department. Program Requirements:
At least 30 hours of approved graduate - level work is required, including a minimum of 24 hours within the Biology Department. To ensure scheduling of appropriate research experiences, internships and specialized course work. Students must, by the end of their first semester, formulate a specific program of study in consultation with their faculty guidance committee. After approval of the guidance committee. In addition to the common requirements, students must opt for one of two alternative degree plans; thesis or non-thesis. Thesis: This plans is most appropriate for students intending on research career in biology. A Candidate completes an original investigation under the supervision of a guidance (thesis) committee. This research must be suitable for publication, written in a form acceptable to the Graduate School and defended in an oral examination. The plain requires a minimum of 30 credit hours including a minimum of six credit hours and maximum of 10 credit hours in research (thesis and independent study). A maximum of six hours may be earned in BIO 690 /691 /692 - Thesis for thesis research. Non-thesis: This plan is most appropriate for students intending on a professional career that does not emphasize research or for those interested in obtaining a broader understanding of biological theory. All students in this plan must complete 34 credit hours of course work. All candidates are encouraged to include research or practical experiences by enrolling for three hours in either BIO 587 - Cooperative Education in Biology , BIO 686 /687 /688 - Practicum in Biology or BIO 697 /698 /699 - Independent Study . Degree Requirements: 33-34 hours
This concentration in ecology and organismal biology requires a minimum of 30 credit hours for thesis students and 34 credit hours for non-thesis students. As many as six hours may be taken outside of the Biology Department as cognates. All courses in the program of study must be approved by the student’s guidance committee. Required Courses: 8-14 hours
Restricted Elective Courses: 12-21 hours
Ecology Process Courses: 9-15 hours
Thesis students must select a minimum of three and non-thesis students must select a minimum of five of the following courses: Organismal Biology and Classification: 3-6 hours
Thesis students must select at least one animal or one plant course, whereas non-thesis students must select at least one animal course and one plant course from the following list: Elective Courses: 0-10 hours
Elective courses to be selected in consultation with a graduate advisor. Cognate Courses: 0-6 hours
Up to six credit hours selected in consultation with graduate advisor. |
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