Mar 02, 2025  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

Master of Science in Engineering Management (EGMT)

The M.S. in Engineering Management program is appropriate for a wide range of industrial and/or technically-focused individuals who have previously earned a four-year degree in technology, business, engineering or science. It meets the needs of technical professionals who are looking for both an advanced degree and appropriate preparation for their natural progression into management-level positions. It also meets the needs of professionals who are on a technical, rather than managerial, career track, as it will help them to be more effective in managing the integration of their technically-focused jobs with others in team-based projects. Our program particularly fits the needs of busy professionals working in business, industry, and the military who may be located anywhere in the world, by being available completely online, as well as on the EMU campus.

The E.M. program focuses on management of technology and intellectual property; research and development; engineering and technical projects; design and manufacturing; people, resources and organizations; quality; and lean enterprise systems. Knowledge in these areas helps technical specialists to do their current jobs better and provides solid preparation and an advanced degree for promotion to management levels.

In addition to earning an advanced degree, many of our E.M. students attain professional certification in one or more specialty areas of Engineering Management. The program offers tracks and focused courses that help students (with appropriate experience and credentials) attain several internationally-recognized professional certifications. These certifications include (a) S.M.E.’s Certified Engineering Manager (C.E.M.), Certified Enterprise Integrator (C.E.I.), Certified Manufacturing Technologist (C.Mfg.T.), and Certified Manufacturing Engineer (C.Mfg.E.); (b) P.M.I.’s Certified Associate in Project Management (C.A.P.M.) and Project Management Professional (P.M.P.); and (c) S.M.E.’s Lean Certifications. The program also offers a track for attaining EMU’s Graduate Quality Certificate.

The specialty tracks of the program facilitate preparation for passing the examinations for the professional certifications noted above, and include:

  1. Research and Development
  2. Design and Manufacturing
  3. Project/Program Management
  4. Lean Enterprise Systems
  5. EMU Graduate Quality Certificate

The Research and Development track is a 36-credit-hour program and requires the completion of a research-based formal development project or thesis. The Design and Manufacturing, Project/Program Management, Lean Enterprise Systems, and Quality tracks require course work only, and are 39-credit-hour programs.

Admission Requirements:

Full Admission:

Applicants must:

  1. Meet the degree admission requirements of the Graduate School;
  2. Have an undergraduate GPA of at least 2.5;
  3. Have a technical- or industrial-related undergraduate degree (i.e., science, engineering, technology, or business);
  4. Submit a Personal Statement;
  5. In the case of international students, meet the University and program TOEFL requirements before being accepted into the program.  See the admissions website at for specific minimum TOEFL score requirements.

Demand for the program is very high.  Admission is competitive, with top applicants selected upon periodic review of the pool of applicants submitted to EMU.


Students with a Bachelor’s degree may enroll in a limited number of graduate courses through Extended Programs and Educational Outreach prior to degree admission.

Conditional Admission:

Conditional admission status may be granted in special cases, such as to students who are currently in the last year of their undergraduate program.  Conditional admission may also be granted to students who have graduated from a non-accredited institution, or who may have earned an undergraduate GPA of less than 2.5.  Such students may seek degree admission after completing nine hours of graduate level work, as specified by the department, with a 3.0 GPA.

Online Education for Out-of-State Students

It is great that you are considering Eastern Michigan University for your online degree program. Before you apply, though, it is critical that you make sure you are eligible to enroll in a program based in Michigan. EMU is an approved State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) Participant. That means EMU can enroll students into online programs who live in any SARA member state without seeking additional authorization from that particular state. 

Check your eligibility to attend EMU: Is your state a SARA member? If yes, you are eligible to enroll in an EMU–Online program. If your state is not a SARA member, you may still be eligible to enroll at Eastern Michigan University. For more information, please click here.

School Information:

School of Engineering Technology - College of Technology

Philip Rufe, Ph.D.
Interim Director

118 Sill Hall
(734) 487-2040

School Website

Advisor Information:

Bryan Booker, Ph.D.

118 Sill Hall
(734) 487-2040

Degree Requirements: 38-39 hours

Select from one of the following Tracks:

Track I: Research and Development: 17-18 hours

Choose one of the following Track Options:

Track V: EMU Quality Certificate: 18 hours

The EMU Graduate Quality Certificate track requires separate admission into the Graduate Quality Certificate program, in addition to admission into the Engineering Management masters degree program, and completion of 18 credit hours of Quality courses. For more information, see the description of specific program requirements in the Quality Certificate section of the Graduate Catalog.

Extended Program:

This program is available at an EMU off-campus location or entirely online. For a list of locations, please click here