Mar 02, 2025
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.
Master of Arts in Teaching - Secondary Physics (MAT-ED SPH) or Physical Science (MAT-ED SPS) Concentration
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Revised Program, effective Fall 2016
The MAT Physics or Physical Science Program, leading to initial teaching certification in Physics or Physical Science grades 6-12, is a full time 37-38 credit hour program. The program is designed for a qualified student to begin in the Fall semester and finish at the end of the following second Winter semester. Primarily, admission to the program will be in Summer semester, with coursework to begin in September. The program is intended for students with a BA or BS in Physics, Physical Science, and/or Integrated Science or General Science, or an equivalent degree (e.g., Engineering) who wish to earn a State of Michigan teacher certification.
Admission Requirements:
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for admission: - Meet the Graduate School admission requirements;
- Hold a 2.75 undergraduate GPA or 3.0 in the last half of the undergraduate work or 3.3 GPA in 12 hours or more of work at the graduate level or a minimum 50th percentile on the Graduate Record Examination writing. International students must have a minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL;
- Furnish an analysis of professional goals written by the candidate. This analysis should include a description of how the chosen degree program will help meeting the selected goals and how the candidate’s life experiences, accomplishments and interests will contribute to his or her success in the program;
- Request and have submitted two letters of recommendation that address the candidate’s professional commitment, experience and potential. The transcripts, analysis of goals and letters of recommendation should give evidence of potential for graduate-level scholarship.
- Freedom from civil/criminal convictions, academic probation, or administrative probation; ICHAT Criminal Background Check and Statement of Civil/Criminal Convictions; For any civil/criminal conviction provide a copy of Judgment of Sentence, Registrar of Actions, or Certificate of Conviction and a written explanation of the offense; Applications of students with civil/criminal convictions will be carefully reviewed and may take longer to process.
- Pass on all sections of MTTC Basic Skills Test;
- Students majoring in physics may be required to have the equivalent of a teachable minor to earn a teaching certificate from the State of Michigan. See College of Education advisor.
Physics: - An undergraduate degree in physics or closely related field from an accredited college or university.
- A minimum of 30 semester hours in physics coursework is required and must include:
- Calculus based mechanics
- Heat and sound & electricity and light (2 semester sequences)
- Astronomy with laboratory
- Intermediate mechanics and laboratory
- Electricity and magnetism
- Heat and thermodynamics
- Modern physics and laboratory
Physical Science: - An undergraduate degree in physics, chemistry, physical science or closely related field from an accredited college or university.
- A minimum of 54 semester hours in physical science coursework is required and must include:
- Introductory astronomy
- General chemistry with laboratory (two course sequence)
- Organic chemistry and laboratory
- Chemistry quantitative analysis
- Biochemistry
- Earth Science - Earth Systems
- Physics: mechanics
- Heat and sound & electricity and light (2 semester sequence)
- Modern physics and laboratory
- Thermodynamics
- A biology course
Department Information:
Teacher Education - College of Education Advisor Information:
Please contact Department for advisor information. Degree Requirements: 37-38 hours
Physics Content Courses: 5-6 hours
MAT Professional Studies in Education Core: 29 hours
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