Geology is a multi-disciplinary scientific study of the Earth, its origin, structure, composition, and history. It includes the processes that have given rise to its present state and how they are interconnected. Geologists play a leading role in the discovery, utilization and management of natural resources, evaluating how natural processes impact life on Earth and how humans interact with Earth.
Geology is the study of the Earth, the materials of which it is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting upon them. An important part of geology is the study of how Earth’s materials, structures, processes, and organisms have changed over time. Geologists work to understand the history of our planet. The better we can understand Earth’s history the better we can foresee how events and processes of the past might influence the future.
The Geology Professional Concentration provides the necessary background for students planning to become professional geologists. Students who successfully complete the curriculum are prepared to enter positions in industry or to undertake graduate study in geology. The program includes courses in mathematics, chemistry, and physics.
Geology is a highly satisfying, rewarding career. Geologists are in demand and commonly earn two to three times the national average per capita income. Sample career opportunities:
Petroleum and Mining – find and produce natural resources
Environmental Industry – assess impact of construction or protect water resources
Government – assess and monitor geologic hazards or study planetary geology