Feb 01, 2025  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies (EDST)

Revised Program | Fall 2017

The Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies will prepare educators from a variety of community organizations (P-12 schools, higher education, and other community contexts) to engage in effective research and practice about teaching and learning. The program consists of two primary strands, one that concentrates on developing educators for P-12 learners, and a second that prepares educators for post-secondary learners. The program is theoretically rigorous, grounded in best practices and directly linked to the University’s strategic initiatives. A key underlying emphasis of the program will be a focus on poverty and its specific impact on urban, as well as suburban and rural communities. Program Website

Admission Requirements

Application Phase:

The applicant must submit to the Graduate School:

  • An official or true attested copy of undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Graduate transcripts documenting completion of either a Master’s or Specialist’s degree from an accredited university with at least a 3.3 GPA.
  • A completed Graduate Admission Application and application fee.
  • If applicable, submit evidence of English language proficiency as documented by official test scores on the TOEFL, MELAB, or IELTS.

The applicant must submit to the Teacher Education Department (website):

  • A resume reflecting professional experience, community engagement, scholarly activity, and other evidence supportive of this application.
  • A typed rationale statement (maximum of 350 words) explaining how the focus of the Doctorate in Educational Studies program supports the applicant’s professional development goals.
  • A critical/analytic essay (APA style, up to 750 words, excluding references) written for the application to the doctoral program that meets the following content guidelines and format (see rubric):
    • Meaningful and substantive definition of a relevant issue in either urban education or nursing education. Nursing practice issues must be discussed from the standpoint of nursing education.
    • Critical appraisal of the issue demonstrating the applicant’s ability to explore multiple sides with supporting research or theoretical literature.
    • Discussion section demonstrating the applicant’s understanding of how this issue relates to urban education or nursing education, advocacy and leadership within the applicant’s concentration focus.
  • Three professional references. Each reference must include both a letter and a completed reference form (See Reference Form) enclosed in a sealed envelope with the signature of the referrer across the seal.

Interview Phase:
Select applicants will meet with the doctoral admissions committee for a screening interview.

Department Information

Teacher Education, College of Education

Martha Kinney-Sedgwick, Ph.D. | Department Head | 313 Porter | 734.487.3260 | mkinneys@emich.edu

Advisor Information

Joe Ramsey, Ph.D. | 313 Porter | 734.487.3260 | pramsey@emich.edu

Chris Robbins, Ph.D. | 313 Porter | 734.487.3260 | crobbin2@emich.edu

Degree Requirements: 60 hours

Education Core: 9 hours

Nine credit hours of study focused on research in teaching and learning, social, and philosophical foundations of education, and cultural, political, and economic impacts of education on global communities. These courses are team taught in a seminar format.

Concentration: 24 hours

24 credits focused on teaching-learning-assessment and community involvement related to specific concentrations.

Pre-dissertation Comprehensive Credit: 3 hours minimum

Dissertation Research: 14 hours