Mar 10, 2025
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.
Entertainment Design and Technology [BA]
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The Bachelor of Arts in Entertainment Design and Technology is a multidisciplinary program for students interested in the Entertainment Industry. The core curriculum is grounded in theatre design and technology with supplemental studies from arts and technology courses across the campus.
Students will learn a wide range of skills related to theatrical design and technology (in areas such as scenery, lighting, costumes, projections, sound, management, and more). A core tenet is learning by doing. Students will build strong portfolios by engaging in hands-on work and collaborating with faculty and other students.
Students are encouraged to seek opportunities working in the entertainment industry. As such, faculty and staff engage students in the process of finding employment and internship opportunities in the industry. In addition, our students regularly attend professional conferences such as The United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT). Finally, our program has connections with corporate affiliates who regularly provide support for our productions and offer employment opportunities for our students.
Advisor Information
Jeromy Hopgood, MFA, Professor, 123 Quirk, 734.487.3131, jhopgood@emich.edu Melanie Schuessler Bond, MFA, Professor, 102 Quirk, 734.487.3131, mbond5@emich.edu Brian Scruggs, MFA, Assistant Professor, 123 Quirk, 734.487.0410, bscruggs@emich.edu Major Requirements: 50-53 hours
Students must earn a “C” or higher on individual courses for major requirements. Foundation Courses: 15 hours
Production Courses: 12 hours
Choose four courses from the following. At least one course must be “Media/Technology Intensive.” Writing Intensive Course: 3-6 hours
Choose one course or course combination from the following. This requirement may be fulfilled by taking one of the courses designated with a W in the History Courses category below. History Courses: 6 hours
Choose any two of the following courses. Courses marked with W will also fulfill the Writing Intensive requirement above, credits only count once towards total credits for the major. Professional Development Courses: 5 hours
Cognate Elective Courses: 9 hours
Choose any nine hours from the following offerings outside of chosen minor. At least one course must be “Media/Technology Intensive.” Apparel, Textiles and Merchandising - ATM 135 - Cultural Study of Dress [GEGA] 3 hrs
- ATM 212 - Textile Science I: Fibers & Yarns 3 hrs
- ATM 271 - Woven Structures and Design 3 hrs
- ATM 312 - Textile Science II: Fabric Formation, Dyeing and Finishing 3 hrs
- ATM 372 - Design and Production of a Fashion Show 3 hrs
- ATM 392 - Pattern Design 3 hrs
- ATM 404 - Textiles for Merchandising 3 hrs
Art - AD 121 - Two-Dimensional Design 3 hrs
- AD 123 - Foundations Drawing I 3 hrs
- AD3D 302 - Fibers 3 hrs
- AD3D 303 - Furniture Design 3 hrs
- AD3D 305 - Sculpture 3 hrs
- ARTH 161 - Survey of Non-Western Art [GEGA] 3 hrs
- ARTH 162 - Survey of Western Art I [GEKA] 3 hrs
- ARTH 165 - Introduction to Contemporary Art 3 hrs
- ARTS 104 - Graphic Design for Non-Majors [GEKA] 3 hrs
Communication Technology
Media/Technology Intensive: CMT 205, CMT 301 - CMT 121 - Graphic Communication 3 hrs
- CMT 131 - Introduction to Computer Graphic Systems 3 hrs
- CMT 204 - Photographic Communication 3 hrs
- CMT 205 - Digital Photo-Technology 3 hrs
- CMT 301 - Multimedia Authoring Techniques 3 hrs
Electronic Media and Film Studies
Media/Technology Intensive: CTAT 231, CTAT 332, CTAT 333 - CTAT 141 - Digital Media Production for Non-Majors 3 hrs
- CTAT 231 - Multitrack Sound Recording 3 hrs
- CTAT 241 - Broadcasting Announcing 3 hrs
- CTAT 332 - Intermediate Television Production and Direction 3 hrs
- CTAT 333 - Digital Movie Production I 3 hrs
Management - MGMT 202 - Business Communication 3 hrs
- MGMT 388 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3 hrs
- MGMT 450 - Leadership Theories and Practice 3 hrs
Marketing - MKTG 261 - Contemporary Selling 3 hrs
- MKTG 360 - Principles of Marketing 3 hrs
- MKTG 363 - Retailing 3 hrs
- MKTG 425 - Sports and Event Marketing 3 hrs
Music - MUSC 100 - Music Theory Fundamentals [GEKA] 3 hrs
- MUSC 107 - Music Appreciation [GEKA] 3 hrs
Simulation, Animation, and Gaming
Media/Technology Intensive: All SAG courses - SAG 105L4 - Introduction to Simulation, Animation and Gaming [GELB] 3 hrs
- SAG 175 - Graphics for Simulation I [GEKA] 3 hrs
- SAG 225 - Graphics for Simulation II 3 hrs
- SAG 235 - Introduction to Unity I 3 hrs
- SAG 245 - Story Development 3 hrs
- SAG 275 - Texturing and Mapping 3 hrs
- SAG 305 - Environment Design 3 hrs
- SAG 355 - Lighting and Camera Techniques 3 hrs
Theatre, Interpretation, Performance and Drama - AMA 300 - Arts Management 3 hrs
- AMA 453W - Marketing the Arts [GEWI] 3 hrs
- CTAR 155 - Producing Theatre 3 hrs
- CTAR 158 - Fundamentals of Acting [GEKA] 3 hrs
- CTAR 355 - Play Direction 3 hrs
Minor Requirement:
This major requires a minor. Select a minor from the following Apparel, Textiles and Merchandising , Art , Arts and Entertainment Management , Electronic Media and Film Studies , Entrepreneurship , Graphic Communication , Music , Management , Marketing , or other minors as approved by the CMTA advisor. Program Total:
Students must earn a minimum total of 124 credits at the 100-level or above. Beginning in Fall 2022, all baccalaureate degree programs for all undergraduates (regardless of catalog year) will require a minimum of 120 credit hours for completion. Critical Graduation Information
Each undergraduate student will be responsible for the fulfillment of the requirements or their equivalents of the Eastern Michigan University catalog in force at the time of their initial registration at a college or university or a subsequent catalog including the one in effect at the time of their graduation.
In the event an undergraduate student does not complete the degree requirements within seven years of the date of their original registration at a college or university, the student may be required to have their credits re-evaluated by the academic department(s) of their major/minor in keeping with catalog requirements in force during the year of their graduation.
The following are minimum requirements for all bachelor’s degrees awarded by Eastern Michigan University. Some majors and minors require more than the minimum in one or more of the areas below; students are urged to consult the online catalog for the requirements of their particular programs.
- Earn a minimum total of 124 credits at the 100-level and above. Courses with numbers below 100 will not be counted toward this degree requirement. At most 8 credit hours of physical education (PEGN) activity courses will be counted toward this requirement.
- Meet the requirements of the General Education program (see information below).
- Complete a Writing Intensive (GEWI) Course in your major.
- Earn a minimum of 60 credits from a four-year college or university; courses taken at community colleges cannot be used to meet this requirement. (Some formal program-to-program articulation agreements modify this requirement. See specific agreements for details.)
- Earn a minimum of 30 credits from courses taken at EMU.
- Complete 10 of the last 30 hours for the degree from courses taken at EMU.
- Have a minimum of 30 unique credit hours in their major and 20 unique credit hours in their minor for a total of at least 50 unique credit hours between them. Some majors that require 50 or more hours themselves do not require a minor; students should check requirements of the selected major in the undergraduate catalog to see if a minor is required.
- Earn no more than 60 credit hours in one subject area (prefix). Credits in excess of the 60 maximum will not be counted toward the minimum of 124 credits required for a bachelor’s degree.
- Earn the minimum number of credits in 300-level and above courses in each major and minor as specified below - these credits must be earned in distinct courses; that is, no course can be used to fulfill this requirement in more than one major or minor.
- Earn a minimum of 6 credits in 300-level or higher courses at EMU in each minor
- Earn a minimum of 9 credits in 300-level or higher courses at EMU in each major that requires a minor.
- Earn a minimum of 15 credits in 300-level or higher courses at EMU in each major that does not require a minor
- Transfer credit will be awarded for courses taken at colleges and universities that are accredited by one of the recognized regional accrediting bodies only if the courses are college-level (equated to 100-level or above at EMU) and the student earned a “C” (or 2.0 on a 4 point scale) or better. Transfer credit may be awarded on a case-by-case basis for college-level courses in which a “C” (2.0) or better was earned at institutions outside the U.S. or at non-accredited U.S. institutions; individual departments/schools conduct the internal review of such courses within EMU, and additional documentation may be required. Please note: EMU awards only credit for transferred courses; grades are not used in the calculation of an EMU GPA.
- Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in courses taken at EMU in order to graduate. In addition, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 must be reached in each major and minor. Only courses taken at EMU and those applied to a student’s major or minor will be used in the calculation of their major and minor cumulative GPAs. (Note: some programs may require a higher GPA - check with your program advisor.)
General Education Requirements EMU’s General Education Program requires students to choose from a menu of approved courses in several different areas; do not assume that other courses in the same department or with similar names will fulfill these requirements. A detailed description of General Education requirements is available in the General Education section of the catalog.
Students who transferred to EMU may have modified general education requirements based on Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) or articulation agreements; consult your academic advisor for additional information.
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