Dec 26, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog This is not the most recent catalog version; be sure you are viewing the appropriate catalog year.

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PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy [GEKH]

An introduction to philosophy by the study of important philosophical thinkers, problems and methodologies.

Credit 3 hrs May not be repeated for additional credit
Grade Mode Normal (A-F) Course Rotation Fall, Winter, and Summer

Prerequisites -
Other Restrictions -
Restriction by Major -
Restriction by Class - Undergraduate standing

Rationale for Knowledge of the Disciplines - For at least the preceding 2500 years, philosophical reflection has extended to all aspects of life, from politics, art and morality, to the very nature of knowledge and of existence itself. This course introduces students to the methods and strains of philosophical thinking that underlie the full range of human experience. Through the analysis of original philosophical texts, as well as the rich tradition of community on those texts, students in this course explore such fundamental questions as “What is the nature of truth?”, “What is the ultimate nature of existence, e.g., is everything physical?”, “How may a society best achieve justice?”, and “What should be the role of art in our lives?”. Introduction to Philosophy is also a skills course in that the serious investigation of issues such as those just listed enhances the analytic and critical skills required to address the intellectual and other challenges that inevitably complicate, and enrich, the lives of thoughtful human beings.

Keywords: philosophy , Knowledge of the Disciplines - Humanities (GEKH)  
Updates: Change to course rotation 4/2019, effective Fall 2019;

Winter 2025 Course Sections

Fall 2024 Course Sections

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